Chapter Eleven

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Fernpaw opened her eyes, only to be greeted by darkness. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, when suddenly, the clouds shifted, and the moon shined its bright light down on the vast moor.

Windclan territory...? Fernpaw thought to herself. How did I get here?

She gasped and crouched down low against the tall grass as she suddenly saw dark figures creeping towards what seemed like a large hole.

Windclan camp...

She narrowed her eyes, trying to get a better glimpse at the figures. They almost seemed like dark shadows, stalking its prey. But what scared her the most was how many there were.

There must be at least thirty cats down there...

They stopped above the dip into the Winclan camp, before yowling loudly and leaping down into the hallow and through the tunnel entrance. Fernpaw stood up and yowled in surprise.

I should get help! Windclan won't stand a chance against that number of cats.

She begun to turn but she couldn't move her paws. Suddenly, her surroundings changed, and she was in the middle of the Windclan camp. Cats all around her were wailing and yowling in battle.

The strange cats looked like shadows with red eyes and long fangs. They were huge. Windclan was no doubt losing greatly, caught off guard to the surprise attack.

Fernpaw hissed fearfully as a shadow cat turned on her, baring its long fangs at her. She tried to raise her paw, but she still couldn't move. The cat smirked, and lunged with a yowl.
Fernpaw screeched as her eyes snapped open, and she sat up quickly. She was in the apprentice den. Safe, in Riverclan.

"Great Starclan, Fernpaw!" Shrewpaw hissed from the back of the den. "You scared me half to death!"

Fernpaw breathed rapidly, looking around in confusion. It was dark in the den, still night, but she could still see the apprentices annoyed glares.

"Are you alright?" Mistpaw asked, one of the only cats not glaring.

Briarpaw sighed, laying her head on her paws. "She's fine. This always used to happen in the nursery."

"W-Windclan..." Fernpaw whispered.

"Well, it's not sunrise just yet." Checkeredpaw murmured, yawning. "So we can still get a few more minutes of valuable shut-eye."

The apprentices nodded in agreement, closing their eyes. Fernpaw counted her breaths, trying to steady her heartbeat.

"You sure you're okay?" Twigpaw asked from a few nest's over. He gazed at her with concern.

"I... yeah I'm fine..." Fernpaw whispered. "Thanks, Twigpaw.

Twigpaw purred, laying his head on his paws and closing his eyes. Fernpaw did the same, yet she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling she had.

It was just a dream...

But she wasn't so sure this time. Every dream she had had in the past few quarter moons, always seemed to come true.

She didn't know how or why, but she couldn't deny what was happening.

I have to tell someone...maybe Pearlfeather will know what to do. She is a medicine cat, and probably has visions all the time.

But she knew that might mean she would have to tell Mudpaw.

I don't know if I want every cat to know. Especially not my kin. Because...what if I'm wrong? And this really is all in my head?

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