31. Jaipur

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Song  : Gulabi

Song  : Gulabi

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Jaipur  .

The place that she once called her home . the pink city glowed like always in the night sky and the stars looked just like always but the place was different.  Avani stared at the unfamiliar roads now which she once was so familiar with that she knew every nook and end of the city .

8 years that's the count of the years she stayed away from this place. But this time she was here to erase that night from her mind , she wanted to remember this place as the place where she spent her childhood, not the place where rich brats assaulted and abused women . not the place where she was beaten and bruised bad and was left in the dark of night alone whimpering in pain , yes she was saved that night but she was broken inside and was scarred mentally.

She missed Arjun. She missed how he would squeeze her hand and tell her it would be okay. How he would gently smile at her and she would know it all would be fine.

Kabir stared at Avani who stared at the now empty streets . He was worried for her, she looked deep in her own world. And he wasn't someone she would want to lean on.

Avani was fighting a war in her own mind and was conflicting and regretting her choice of coming here. Kabir had told her to not come; he insisted for her to stay back but she wanted to come back. She had her reasons for coming here . one was to let go of her past and pain, and the other one was that she felt this place called for her she felt the need to be here and to let everyone know who she was  , Avani didn't know why but this place emitted power and a different aura , she felt different here this time she felt a different rush of wind and her blood was high on adrenaline. She just felt differently , alive.

The car halted in front of huge iron gates. Avani stared at the place in awe. The gates opened letting them in and the car started again, the garden in front of the palace was beautiful . the huge traditional Rajasthani  palace looked beautiful. The place felt home to her; she didn't know why but she felt like she belonged here.

The car stopped in the driveway and they got out . Kabir stood behind Avani and leaned in a little and whispered in her ear “these are royal never trust  them , keep your eyes open and ears active the betrayal may stab you from anywhere , be safe and always alert” Avani frowned not knowing what he meant. But nodded.

they rang the doorbell.

An old woman came out of the front door she looked  in her 70s . she was wearing a midnight blue silk saree and a mantika , and then came a man behind her he was the same age as the woman.

“khambaghani dadi , dada” Kabir greeted them but didn't touch their feet. Avani frowned; she didt understand why was Kabir being cold to his family.  The woman then applied the tilak on kabir's forehead.

The old man smiled at Avani and said “he is the crowned prince and a soon to be king they don't bow” Avani nodded at im grateful the he answered her unasked question. Avani was about to bow down and touch their feet when the old woman said

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