"fuck it" he muttered under his breath and walked toward Samantha.
She saw him coming toward him.
"Louis?" she smiled lightly. He grabbed her hand and walked behind a huge wall with no guards or maids around.
"Loui-" she was cut off by his warm wet lips. She was surprised but after a second she kissed him back. She's been waiting for this moment for a very long time.

After a whole minute they broke apart. Her eyes were still closed with a smile on her face.
"what was that for?" she whispered.
"I don't know" he breathed out with his eyes closed.
"But I want more" he said and smashed his lips to hers again.

He was moving on ... with his own strategy


Maura was in the wooden cabin at the end of the yard. She was looking through the photo album her and Calum made for each other. The album contained pictures and letters they wrote for each other. She reached to the last page. She looked at the very last photo. Such a beautiful night ending in tragedy. Her heart still aches thinking about that night.

Flashback to 1939


Maura opened the door to the wooden cabin with a smile on her face.
"hello love" Calum said.
"Hi" she blushed looking down.
He entered and closed the door. He then lifted her chin. "don't hide your beautiful face from me" he whispered and connected his lips with hers.

"I cooked" she said with a grin.
"Did ya?" he asked smiling at her enthusiasm.
She nodded grinning while placing the plates on the small wooden table.
"banger and mash" he said sniffing.
"Hope you like it" she said.
They both begin eating.
"hmm .. it's amazing" he said.
She smiled widely.

Once they were done eating, Maura begin placing the dishes away.
"I have something for you" he said.
He handed her a box. She opened and saw the object inside. A beautiful pearl necklace and a set of earrings.

"It's beautiful" she said breathless. He walked behind her. "Let me help you put it on" he took the necklace. He put the item around her neck and she put the earrings on.
"I love it" she said facing him.
"I love you" he said.
"I love you t-"


She got cut off by the door being slammed open. Both their faces fell.

"Mr Lennon was right" Calum's mother said. "You two are having an affair!"
"No Words!" she cut Calum off. She signaled the guards. They begin taking Maura away.

"Let her go!" Calum tried going after her but her mother shot her in the foot.
"OUCH!" He fell.
"CALUM!" Maura screamed but she was being taken away.
"You will be banned from the castle" his mother told him and faced Maura.
"And you will be with your husband 24/7. And you will bare his children"

Present time

As a tear rolled down her cheek, her fingers brushed over her necklace. Pearl necklace. She sighed heavily and closed the album. If Josephine's father never snitched on them, the album would've never ended in such a tragic way.


"I don't understand why you're sending me for a walk in the town all the sudden" Hannah told Niall.
"Because Hannah I know you want to go for a walk in the town." He guided her toward the carriage.
"I mean don't you want to visit your family?" he asked.
"Yeah I guess"
"So enjoy and send them my hello" he said closing the carriage's door leaving her confused.

At night Hannah returned. Once she stepped inside a maid approached her.
"your majesty" she bowed.
"His majesty the king wants to see you in the dinning room" the maid said.
"at this time of the night?"
"yes your majesty"
"okay" she said and walked toward the dinning room. She entered the room but no one was there. Her eyes sat on a piece of paper sitting on the table. She took it.

Follow the trail

"what trail?" she asked confused. She took a step forward and saw a trail of books on the floor. She smiled taking the books one by one following the trail until she reached a red rose laying on the floor with a note attached to it.

Leave the twenty four books behind and follow the trail of roses now. Count each rose you collect.

"oh Niall" she said letting out a breathy laugh. She set the books aside and took the first rose.
She carried on until the roses led her to the garden.

"twenty five" she collected the last rose. And then it hit her. She left twenty four books behind and took twenty five roses. This means tonight was-

"Happy twenty fifth birthday love" Niall said from behind.

Hannah's birthday. Tonight was her birthday.

She smiled softly and turned around. A small picnic for two with a birthday cake.
"Niall" she said not expecting this from him.
"I know it was a bit lame"
She shook her head side to side.
"It wasn't. It was amazing. This .. is amazing" she said looking at the picnic set. He smiled warmly and leaned forward.

"Your first kiss at the age of twenty five" he whispered and kissed her. She smiled into the kiss.
"Now come on. The candles are melting" he said.

After blowing out the candles and eating the delicious cake they laid down on the garden looking at the sky. Her head was resting on his chest and his arm was wrapped around her.

"Did you really like your surprise?" he asked quietly.
"I really did. But it's unfortunate for you" she said.
"Because now my expectations are high and next year will be hard to beat this."
He chuckled causing her to smile as well.
"But jokes aside you don't have to go all the way for my birthday." She lifted the red rose she was holding up. "This one rose was enough" she said.
He kissed top of her head.


Two weeks had passed since then. It was late night in the castle. Niall and Hannah were ready for bed.
"Hey Hannah"
"how long does it take for a woman to get pregnant?" he asked.
Her eyes widened a bit. She was thankful that it was dark and both were facing the ceiling so he wouldn't see her reaction.
"I don't know. Why?" she asked trying to remain calm.
"Just wondered" he asked.
She remained silent and didn't say anything else.

I loved the birthday scene😅

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