She clutched the blanket tightly in her sleep making me smile at her cuteness she is acting literally so cute while sleeping I wish I had a sister like her I will treat her like a queen and spoil her so much.

It's not like i see y/n any different we bickered so much but the soft place in my heart she made for herself made me embrace her sadness, kissing her forehead softly I covered her with blanket and leave

Jimin: "Good Night Witch"


The morning came with a new hope for something better, the sunlight hit her face and she groan in her sleep but being a well descipline she sat on the bed while ruffling her hair

After adjusting her sight in the daylight she look around and sigh not finding his presence he didn't came again he is not coming for sleeping in their bedroom after that incident

He slept in his mom's room just come for some clothes not giving her glance and leave the room which hurt her, make her heart clenched painfully for someone their birthday is special day but for her it's like other normal days

No one ever make her feel special just once she felt special by taehyung but he also broke her to the point that she can't find her true self, her shattered heart, this hurt her very badly

Shrugging her feelings not wanting to get emotional at this early morning she stood up to freshen up


Hyunjin: "I've no money for your useless things" He said and without waiting for her response he cut the call

She is not in contact with many people's lisa is not that rich only her so called father was her choice she don't want to take his help but she have mo other choice though she asked him for money which he rejected immediately

She wanted the money for Lia's operation which is today she has less time her mind suddenly hit her to go to taehyung but after all of that things will he help her? or he again misunderstood her as golddigger?

Shrugging her negative thoughts she stood up to give it a try there is nothing important than someone's life, Lia's mother held a deep hope on her maybe other people broke her hope but she's not one of them she know how to treasure the promise which you made with someone in your conscious


Standing in front of his home office door battling with her own self to enter or not, she continuously tapping her finger on floor

Inhaling deeply she step forward and made her mind to enter finally she knocked on the door and the deep voice come in make her alert as she enter with a heavy heart

He was working on his laptop when he heard someone knocking giving permission to the person he was still engulfed in his work, eyes fixed on his laptop, entering with her tiny steps she stood in front of his table maintaining a good distance

Hearing nothing from the person who just entered Taehyung look up only to see the love of his life but unknown to him his rage is more powerful and has better control on him which may make him regret later.

His face was extremely calm as he tilt his head signing her to continue

Y/n: "I-I need some mone----" She was looking down all the time not meeting his gaze and spoking her words cut off by him

Taehyung: "It was not unexpected, you want money for? club? going out with your friends? or you want money for shopping to show off??" His harsh tone teared her heart apart, hatred clearly visible in his voice towards her she felt her heart got stabbed with a sharp knife she didn't expect this low from him

She wanted to fight back but there is no use of it he is full of Ego he is not going to believe her, he is blind in rage and revenge.

Her eyes start filling with tears but she blinked immediately to get rid of them she don't want to show him her weak side, looking up meeting his gaze which only held anger and hate

Y/n: "P-Please it's i-importany I-I really n-need m-money" She said and again look down not wanting to burst out in tears in front of him an evil thought crossed his mind and he stood up with a smirk playing on his lips

Taehyung: "You are really in need of money?" He said oddly calm she look up and nod for once blinking innocently, his heart softened after looking at her pale face

Taehyung: "Okay I will give you" He smile at her not the normal one but full of evilness there is something evil reflecting in his eyes

He extend his right leg dropping the smile, his right shoes in front of her indicating her something which she didn't understand until he spoke

Taehyung: "Lick it"

Her eyes widen in shock she didn't know he will stoop this low, her world shattered and for the first time she felt disgusting for loving this man, tears start pouring in her eyes

Her last hope which she hold a little in him broke today he gave the best gift ever on her first birthday after marriage. She stared him remembering those moments when he told her He love her she is ashamed on herself, for having feelings for him, whos still have his effects on her

She have to do this maybe he broke her trust but there is a mom who id waiting for her, who think her as an angel, whose all hope belongs to her because her daughter life is in her hand

It is okay if you live without love but it is not okay when you live without hope.

Her mom's word echoes in her ears and she clutched her shirt tightly gulping the bile down her throat.

His eyes showing no mercy but deep down inside him his heart clenched seeing tears in her eyes, his hand irked to not embrace her, her next movement make his eyes go widen

She slowly sat on his knees right in front his shoes, he look at her off guard he thought if put this cruel demand in front of her she would never done this but maybe money is more important for her that she forget self respect only if he knew the real reason.

His eyes start filling with tears seeing her stooping this low for money he didn't expect this, he wanted her to fight with him, he wanted her to slap him hard for his disgusting demand but no she shows her true colors

She chooses money over her self respect and it's broke him, only if he knew why she is doing this or he try to know so instead of saying anything

She was about to touch his shoes when he took back and then a tear drop from her eyes Taehyung now suspecting if her tears are real or not? He look at her in disgust and spoke

Taehyung: "I didn't know you're this thirsty for money" He spit harshly, hatred dropping in his voice making her heart ache at his harsh tone towards her she remembered their memories when he always smile at her whenever they make eyes contact but that moment become memories

Sometimes memories are beautiful but sometimes they're the cause of your pain but she always has pain in her life, it's not something new for her.

Pain is her real Best friend.

Taking his black card he throw at her she look at him who walk to his chair and sat leaning his back, closing his eyes in frustration. She look at him with teary eyes and he spoke with his eyes till closed

Taehyung: "Get out" He said harshly she with her shivering hand and ashamedly take the black card she didn't want to but she has no other choice instead of shattering her self respect

Walking with her heavy heart she was about to turn the door knob when she turn around looking at him whose eyes are still closed, twisting the door knob opening the door widely she spoke

Y/n: "I hope you regret this"


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