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The man in his 50's stands out of his office building with a big smile on his face the reporters surrounded him beside the old man a beautiful girl standing there with a small smile on her face

Reporter 1: Mr. Park is it true that your daughter is going to married with Mr. Kim?

Reporter 2: Mr. Park why you choose Mr. Kim for your daughter??

The reporter asked the man in his middle 50s, stand there with a big smile on his face beside him his daughter stood there with a small smile on her face.

Mr. Park: "Yess ! I want best for my daughter so as you know Kim Taehyung my soon-to-be son in law #1 one in business all over the world and also you know underworld my daughter will be very happy with him.. Right sweety?"

He softly said and turned to his daughter and said last those two words with a smile his daughter has a little smile on her face and nod her head the reporter's just continuously said 'you're such a great father Mr. Park'

Reporters didn't dare to ask more questions as they know if they cross their limit unintentionally the mafia aka 'Kim Taehyung' didn't let them see the sun next day

Reporter: "Mrs. Y/n are you happy with this marriage?" The reporter asked to the girl who stand there with an unbothered face

Y/n Pov

My head snapped towards him 'Should i happy with this married?' my life is already hell now this marriage thing i came out of my thought when Dad spoke

Mr. Park: Ofcourse she's happy right honey?

He said last words turning towards me giving me a look Say yes i look back to the reporter and smile

Y/n: Ofcourse dad choose for me so obviously he's best for me

Feeling satisfied by my answer they again start whispering about How good my father is

Mr. Park: Okay we've to go now the marriage is next week i need to shopping for my daughter

He said sweetly while smiling towards me i faked him smile back


A hard slap voice echoed in the hallway and the man slapped the girl, making her fall on the floor, the corner of her lips started bleeding because of his tight slap, one of her hand on her face the man is none other than Mr. Park Jihoon father of Park y/n

Yes! The same man who behave so good infront of the reporter's.

Hyunjin: "What you said you don't want to marry him bitch?"

He said and harshly pull her hairs .

This isn't something new infront of world he's acting like he love his daughter so freaking much his real face showed inside this 4 walls which we called home

Hyunjin: "You're marrying him the marriage held to next weak so you better prepare yourself if you don't want anything bad happen with your so called best friend"


Y/n: "She have nothing to do in this matter so you better don't drag her"

𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 - 𝐊𝐓𝐇Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu