Chapter 25

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Katsuki's parents were at his grandparent's house. Katsuki was able to convince them that long car rides were bad for him and the baby. Thus, Todoroki came over and kept Katsuki company. Except Katsuki was feeling bad Braxton Hicks contractions, so instead Todoroki just ended up lifting Katsuki's stomach all day. "Katsuki, I can make your smoothie. Please go sit down." Todoroki said, as he watched Katsuki fail to make a smoothie. The omega was using support from the counter with one hand and holding his stomach with the other. He looked over and glared into Todoroki's soul. "No dammit. I'm good half n' half, chill out."  Katsuki sternly told Todoroki. He took a deep breath then continued to wash the fruit he was about to put into his smoothie. A couple of minutes later, Katsuki was putting fresh peaches, pineapples and bananas into the blender. He held onto the counter again and held his stomach tightly. 

This time he let out a loud whine. Todoroki knew Katsuki was in more pain than he was letting off. He didn't hesitate to help Katsuki stand straight and lift his stomach. Katsuki let out a desperate moan then winced. "It still fucking hurts. I- I think I'm going into labor." Todoroki looked at Katsuki with a terrified look on his face. "No, it's way too early for you to be going into labor." Todoroki warned him, Katsuki looked at back at him even more terrified. "I- I know. Let go slowly and call my mom." Katsuki stuttered, Todoroki ignored him and instead picked up the omega. If he wasn't in so much pain Katsuki would've totally cursed  Todoroki out and forced him to never think of picking him up again. Todoroki placed him on the couch and then called his mother with Katsuki's phone. 

"Katsuki?! What happened?" Mitsuki answered the phone in a total panic. "Hi Mrs. Bakugou. Katsuki is going into labor." Todoroki said in the calmest voice he could manage. Katsuki let out another loud whine. "Oh god. O-okay. Who is this?" She said, trying to make sense of the situation. "Todoroki Shoto." Todoroki answered, he went over to Katsuki to try to calm him down. "Put him on the phone." Mitsuki told Todoroki. The alpha handed Katsuki the phone. He was on the edge of tears. "Katsuki? We just left the house. Have your hospital bag ready. Try to take deep breaths and make sure to time the contractions, so we know how severe they are." Mitsuki told him, and Todoroki could hear her panic through the phone. Katsuki could barely speak. "O-okay. How long is the drive home?" Katsuki asked his Mom. 

"Haha...2 hours. Listen, labor usually takes a long time and I'm sure how early the baby is will make it longer." Mitsuki said, trying to comfort her son. The omega let out a loud groan then sat up. The contraction was over. "Fine, just hurry up. Everything will be done by the time you get back. If the contractions get too painful I'm calling an ambulance." Katsuki said before hanging up. He looked over at Todoroki then snickered. "Breathe. It's over, come on, we have to go get my hospital bag." Katsuki stated as he got up from the couch. Todoroki was still skeptical so he followed closely behind the omega. He started a timer, timing how long until Katsuki's next contraction. He helped the omega finish packing his hospital bag. "Alright that should be it. My mom wants it by the d-door." Katsuki stated as he checked off his list. Suddenly there was another contraction, it was 12 minutes apart from the other one. Todoroki stopped the timer and helped sit Katsuki on the bed. 

Katsuki felt Todoroki try to use his smell to calm him down. He tried not to make any embarrassing noises while Todoroki was right behind him. "I don't care. You're in pain, you don't have to be quiet." Todoroki whispered, seemlying reading Katsuki's mind. "Fine..." Katsuki said, but he was still embarrassed about making noise. He grabbed Todoroki's hand and put it on his stomach. The alpha could feel Katsuki shaking. "Alright, i-it's done. Katsuki got up from the bed. Todoroki was confused but he grabbed Katsuki's hospital bag and followed him downstairs. Katsuki went back to trying to make his smoothie. Todoroki put the bag down and took a deep breath. "I'll make it for you. Just go sit down on the couch." Todoroki said, and Katsuki didn't yell back. He walked to the living room, and Todoroki finished making the smoothie. He finished it and brought it back to Katsuki. He saw Katsuki sitting on the couch with his eyes closed. He seemed to be in his own head space. Todoroki sat beside him then cleared his throat. 

"Here." He mumbled as he handed the drink to Katsuki. He tasted it and hummed. He thanked Shoto in a calm whisper. He took small sips of his smoothie as he continued to focus on his breathing. After 12 minutes, another contraction hit the omega. He put the smoothie down and Shoto put him in his lap. He lifted the omega's stomach and let out a smell that could calm Katsuki down. "Mmmh~" Katsuki hummed, he was still in a little bit of pain. He tried breathing but it just seemed to be worse. "God~" He said as he clawed into Todorki's thigh for support. Todoroki hated that he couldn't do anything. They stayed like that until they heard the door unlock. Katsuki quickly got off Todoroki's lap. His contractions were now 9 minutes apart but they were only for 50 seconds. Which was a great improvement for him. 

"Alright Katsuki! Let's hurry to the hospital!" Mitsuki yelled, she saw the two innocently on the couch. "Okay." Katsuki got up from the couch. Masaru grabbed Katsuki's hospital bag. Todoroki didn't know if the family wanted to include him. "Yes, you're coming too. Get in the car Sho." Katsuki whispered in Todoroki's ear. The alpha smiled, Mitsuki got in the car and Masaru did soon after. She quickly drove to the hospital. 

To Be Continued...

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