Chapter 11

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Denki ran full speed to Mr. Aizawa. The whole class and some other heroes were participating in saving Bakugou. But Denki found something even better. "Mr. Aizawa!!!" He said, running into the room. "Denki you're supposed to be getting read-" Mr. Aizawa began saying before his student interrupted him. "Yes! Yes! But I saw this note. It's from someone that's with Bakugou!" He exclaimed excitedly. The whole class gasped then rushed to see the note. Aizawa read it then got excited himself. 'I am with Bakugou, a map on where we are is on the back. Bakugou's in critical condition. Help us!' The note read, Mr. Aizawa pushed past his students to go give the note to the principal. Class 1.A cheered, they continued to get ready to go save their peer. Todoroki on the hand was ecstatic. After 2 months and 1 week he was finally able to see his boyfriend again.

When Aizawa came back the class went outside. They got onto a helicopter that flew them over where they needed to go. "Alright! Everyone listen up! One wrong move and we could all die! Aoyama, Ashido, Hagakure, Kaminari, Midoriya, Mineta, Ojirou, Sato, Sero, Shoji, Todoroki, and Tokyoyami will be helping me fight villain Dabi. The rest of you will look for Bakugou and any other people that might be held hostage." Aizawa explained. Everyone agreed, the helicopter flew down into the forest and landed. Aizawa led his class while looking at the map. The class kept on the lookout for any villains that may attack. "Here... okay everyone. Midoriya I want you to shoot the entrance in. Dodge the flames, he's weak in combat so go in for offense." Aizawa stated. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Now!" Aizawa said, the green haired boy used One For All to blow the entrance down. Everyone jumped in. The villain was in the kitchen when they walked in. He quickly grabbed the knives and started throwing them at the Aizawa. Everyone was successfully able to dodge the knives. Everyone but the chosen people went to go look for Bakugou. But there were 4 long, narrow hallways, full of metal doors. The searchers split up to find Bakugou and the others. The unwritten fear on everyone's face. Bakugou, Ryu, and Nagata were sleeping in the room they were in. Ryu woke up hearing all the commotion going on. He shook his friend and smiled. "I- I think they're here." Ryu said with a big smile on his face. 

Dabi chained their feet to the wall, after seeing that they were unchained. Ryu shifted a little to look at Bakugou. The teen still asleep. Ryu felt his pulse, he flinched feeling how light it was. Just at that moment a boy with red, spiky hair flung the door open. His eyes widened big and he ran over to them. "A-are you guys okay? I- I'll get help." Kirishima stuttered in shock as he looked at Bakugou. His eyes began to water as he looked at his friend. He ran out of the room and called everyone. "I found them, they need an ambulance!" He yelled out. Everyone rushed in there. Uraraka and Asui unchained them. Momo made a quick blanket for Bakugou and Kirishima wrapped the blonde in it. Bakugou was unconscious at this point. 

Todoroki blocked the flames with his ice, Hagakure was able to get close to the villain without being spotted while he was distracted. Hagakure and Shoji beat the villain until he was on the floor. Sero captured him with his ropes. Dabi burned the ropes quickly, he grabbed a bottle and smashed it on the floor. The glass flung everywhere and there was a purple smoke filling out the house. Once everyone could see again, the villain disappeared. Mr. Aizawa cursed under his breath, catching his breath as well. "Mr. Aizawa, we found them. Bakugou needs an ambulance immediately." Iida said, rushing over to his teacher. "Let me see him, everyone stay here and wait until the ambulance comes." The teacher instructed. He contacted Nezu for an ambulance for where they were. 

He followed Iida to where Bakugou and everyone else was. The room stunk, puke, pee, blood, and a lot of smells Aizawa didn't want to imagine. "How long has he been unconscious?"  Aizawa asked, looking at the two other victims. "Yesterday. He has an infection, it needs to be treated as fast as possible." Nagata said with a low tone. Everyone looked at Bakugou with worry.

To Be Continued... 

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