Chapter 3

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"Yes, this is the road." Todoroki answered to his teachers, Midnight, Aizawa, All Might and Present Mic. They were going to walk from the light carnival to Bakugou's house. Also stopping by to tell Bakugou's parents that their son was missing once again. As they walked, everyone noticed the blue slushy on the ground. Ants have now begun to ambush the drink. "Signs of struggle." Midnight said, in hesitation. Todoroki felt tears running down his cheeks. "Any signs of L.O.V." Midnight asked. All Might looked around and shook his head. "Not necessarily, but there are signs of a fire quirk," He said. Aizawa added, "Yes, these burn marks are Bakugou's explosions. These are blue fire burns, most likely from villain Dabi. It's most likely he'd been taken by Dabi." 

Todoroki remembered Dabi. His black hair, oddly familiar blue eyes, purple stapled burn marks, and devious smile. The villain had appeared multiple times in his nightmares. Something about that villain made Todoroki want to yell. He seemed familiar, but this was the second time and the last time he'd take Bakugou away from him. "Alright, document it and continue to move." All might said, Aizawa could see his student's mental health not doing so well. He walked slowly to be able to walk with Todoroki. "Be honest Todoroki, you and Bakugou have a romantic relationship going on right?" He asked. Todoroki slowly nodded his head then wiped the tears off his cheek. 

"How'd you know?" Todoroki asked his teacher. Aizawa hummed, "Your reactions. They aren't normal for you. You seem closer to him more than you led on." Aizawa answered. Todoroki didn't say anything in response. An image of Dabi taking Bakugou before he could, kept replaying in his head. "We'll find him, just like we did last time." Aizawa told his student. Todoroki nodded and kept his hopes up. The crew didn't see any more signs and assumed Bakugou must've been kidnapped by the L.O.V in this area. Using information from before they could easily save the omega. 

The heroes stopped at the Bakugou household. Midnight and Present Mic went back to U.A to report the information to Nezu. All Might knocked on the door. Mrs. Bakugou opened the door with a terrified look on her face. First, one of her son's friends comes to her house looking for Katsuki then his teachers are at her house. "Katsuki is missing again isn't he?" She asked, looking at them concerned. Mr. Aizawa nodded his head, Mitsuki let out a shaky breath then let the heroes inside. Everyone gathered in the living room. All Might began giving a more detailed story of the tragedy. Mitsuki noticed Todoroki, from the other day, he was the kid looking for Katsuki. 

"But don't worry Mrs. Bakugou, we will find Katsuki soon? He will be safe and sound." All Might said, finishing his small explanation. Masaru let go of a disappointed deep breath and Mitsuki shook her head. "I'm so sorry about his troubles." Mitsuki said, even though it didn't seem like it, both parents were incredibly worried. Everyone was. Once the heroes left the Bakugou household, Mr. Aizawa walked with Todoroki back to the dorms. 

To Be Continued...

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