꒰⚘݄꒱2.3_______________Billie Bossa Nova

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Sitting in the cafeteria, Seyoung chewed on her Katsu as her face scrunched when the texture of the pork disappointed her. "This thing was not cooked properly," she spat, moving the cup away from her plate. "I think our school enjoys seeing us get sick."

"I kinda like it this way..." Jukyung muttered, pulling Seyoung's cup, planning on finishing the Katsu. "Oh my god remember when Han Seojun almost shat himself?" Soojin asked, closing her mouth while she chewed on the rice. "His face had a nice look to it, " Sua commented.

"I, very well, do remember. It was I who had to drop him and his bike home. He couldn't ride his bike because he was scared of staining it. Freaking nasty," Seyoung said, not noticing the quiet girl beside her drop her Katsu, spitting the ones in her mouth back in the cup. "Seyoung, the poor girl was eating," Sua indicated to Jukyung, who was looking at Seyoung in shock.

"Oh shit! That was my bad. Sorry," she giggled, giving the girl's shoulder a tight squeeze. Seyoung's meek smile faded when she remembered what had happened. It was the most disgusting and ominous experience. If Han Seojun ever got diarrhea, the misfortunate person who would be his deemed partner would have to do everything for him. What a pitiful soul.

"Wait, what happened with Suho yesterday? You didn't get to finish," Soojin asked, eyebrows raising out of curiosity.

"Oh right. After I had left Seojun in that murky ass place with my aching shoulder, I decided to go back home. Like a normal person would! Right? A normal person who is a high-schooler would go back home to their worrying grandmother when it is almost midnight. However, it is different to Lee Suho. I was going to ring the bell when he opened the door, face stern, eyes red. I was obviously shocked because he was at home, uninvited, all of sudden and uninvited. Did I mention uninvited? Anyway, he was there and I asked him, like a normal human: 'What are you doing here?' He responded with the same question, paraphrased. It way MY house? Like, I was supposed to be there! 'You were with Han Seojun, am I right? So, naturally, I thought you would stay with him tonight. Ok, bye.' Can you believe it? The person in question was Seojun. Does he think I would possibly spend the night with a male species who was involved in the death of my brother?"

"Damn, he seems hard to work with," Jukyung responded with a chopstick in her mouth.

"That's not even the worst part. He said that he had told my grandmother that I wasn't coming home that night and therefore, proposed to stay instead. My grandma accepted the proposal and being the super awesome and kind person she is, overworked. She cooked him dinner, and cleaned her room to have him sleep there. She also cleaned the house because apparently it was too shabby for a rich boy like him to stay. I was fuming. I was pissed. How could he let her do that?! I barged inside to see my grandmother sleeping on the couch. I gave the dipshit a punch on his stomach and forced him to help move her back to her room. And—"

"There's more?" Soojin asked.

"Listen. When we were sleeping.....Well, when I was sleeping, the insomniac woke me up to ask me if I was asleep." The three lasses snorted and giggled at his absolute dumbness. Seyoung, however, was exhausted.

"How's your shoulder?" Jukyung asked.

"It's fine. It was just a minor injury. It doesn't hurt anymore!" Seyoung responded, smiling.

"SoooOooOjin!" Seyoung laughed as she heard the familiar voice call for the girl. She teased her saying, "Your fanboy is here. Cheer him up, will you?"

"Shut up, Seyoung. I'm out," Soojin said, dragging her feet as she slowly walked with the tray in her hand. "I pray he's not behind me."

"Dang it. Your prayers have not been answered."


"Kang Soojin. Have you not been a good girl? What did you do to anger God?" Jihoon asked, a hand wrapping around her shoulder. Soojin smirked.

"I haven't done anything just yet. Maybe it's because of what I'm gonna do," she spoke in a soft tone, the metal chopstick close to stab his palm.

She thought she got him. Yet, before she could do anything with the chopstick, it was already between Jihoon's fingers. He spun the chopstick around them as he spoke, "Nice try Kang."

"I have something to say to you."

She threw the tray in the bin and turned around to meet eyes with the cute faced boy. "What is it?" She had never noticed but he was quite the looker. No wonder people in her class would swoon over this child. She shook her head and began signaling him to speak.

Jihoon bent down, face near her ear. She felt his hot breath on her cheek and she was unsure if it was his breath that was hot or her reddening cheek. This was the closest she had ever been to a boy and she felt something in her stomach.

"You have a grain of rice right under your nose," he said, before walking away. Soojin widened her eyes and wiped her mouth with a napkin out of embarrassment. She yelled after him and ran to trail him.

"Now who's following me?" He said, twisting on his heel, beginning to walk backwards. She rolled her eyes, folding her hands as she walked. "Is that all you had to say?"

"Yes. Did you want to hear something from me?"

"Well not really. It's just, that would've been embarrassing if people saw. Thanks for letting me know. If you're d-done. T-then I'll get going." She turned around when Jihoon called after her.

"Soojinie! Meet me in the cafe later. I have another thing to tell you." He smiled, receiving one from her to his surprise.

"What time?"


"I'll be ready at 8. Pick me up at my house."

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