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"Hey, smart girl. Where are you going?" Jihoon skipped as he threw an arm around Soojin's shoulders, who was walking from her tutoring classes.

She brushed his arm off and rolled her eyes. "Can you stop following me?" She said, annoyed, "You're getting on my nerves." Jihoon ignored what she said and shrugged while walking behind her with his hands in his pockets.

Soojin hissed before stopping in her steps. She slowly turned around and forced a smile. "Jiwook? Is it?" She asked, while chewing on her inner lip.

"Wow..", He put a hand to his heart, pretending to be hurt. "How can you forget my name when we are such good friends?!" Soojin's sighing was the only other source of noise other than the crickets chirping, indicating that the sun has set. They were quiet for a few minutes, staring at each other for no reason whatsoever, before Jihoon broke the silence. "Yoo Jihoon."


"It's Yoo Jihoon. Not Jiwook. You've been calling me that for a while. Although, they do sound similar, I guess," He corrected, running a hand through his bouncy black hair. Soojin nodded, realizing that she had been calling him Jiwook ever since middle school.

"Well. Jihoon. I gotta go h- to class," she stuttered, arousing suspicion. Jihoon, being the curious idiot he is, questioned her.

"Didn't you just come from class? I thought you were going home. No?" He continued when Soojin shook her head, both arms clutching her backpack. "Let's do something fun. I'll get you black bean noodles. As a good friend."

"Good friend, my ass. Stop bothering her Jihoon," Sua, from behind him chimed as the footsteps got closer to him. He turned around to see, both to his horror and delight, Seyoung walking with Sua and Taehoon.

Jihoon's eyes widened as he ran towards Seyoung and grabbed her shoulder. He spoke, "How's grandmother? What did the doctor say?"

Seyoung smiled assuringly. "She's doing just fine. She collapsed because of overworking herself."

"Doesn't she use the robot I gave you guys? I swear to god Seyoung."

"She does! But again, cleaning the floor isn't the only thing she does. She cooks a whole ass meal three times a day. She had to clean the bathroom and the kitchen. She has much more work than we think she does. But it won't be a problem anymore since I hired a helper," she paused.

"How much did you pay them?" Jihoon asked, eyebrows raised, face tilted.

"Minimum wage for now. I said I'll pay her appropriately after she proves to me that she can help my grandma. But I need to get a part time job first. I don't know for how much longer I'll smooch off of you and grandma."

Jihoon nodded and turned around, facing Sua, Soojin and Taehoon. "Hey, Best Friend!" Taehoon exclaimed as his hands went high up in the air. To his surprise, Jihoon smiled widely and smacked his palm.

"I-I need to head to class," Soojin said, before slowly jogging down the hill. Sua and Seyoung looked at each other after they saw Jihoon stare at her running figure.

"So, since she rejected my offer, do you guys wanna get Black bean noodles. It's been a while since I spent time with my friends," He asked, smiling widely at the crowd.

"Sorry best bro. But Sua and I need to leave. Her mother set up a curfew for her ever since we went out on a midnight date last month. She didn't go home until eight in the morning." He said, unusually proud of that while Sua smiled at him, swooning.

"TMI." Jihoon mumbled before clearing his throat. "Well, see you guys later I guess."

"See ya!"

"Bye, best friend!"

Jihoon sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets, swiveling on his heel to face Seyoung. "Seyoung? What about you?"

"Hmm?" She hummed, feeling intruded since she spaced out for a minute. She has never been a great listener. That was supposedly one of her weaknesses. Probably the reason why Seyeon never reached out to her. But no one can reason with her.

"You coming?"

"Sure. Why not?" She said, nodding, unaware of where exactly they were going to eat. But, she trusted Jihoon so she agreed.

"Great! Let's go."


"Why are we in a comic bookstore? Did you forget that we were going to eat?" Seyoung asked, body slouching since she had little to no interest in comic books.

"No. We eat here." He said, eyes like a doe's. His finger pointed towards the door, confusing Seyoung. She rolled her eyes and walked in, following Jihoon.

"Hello, sir!" He said, bowing to the owner, who's face was hidden behind a book. His eyes peeked over for it to turn into crescents after he saw Jihoon's towering figure.

"Oh My God! It's been so long. Where were you all along?" He said, walking up to the boy and wrapping his arms around his shoulder. "You're so tall now. How long has it been?"

"About 7 years? Yeah, it's been a while."

"Who is this? Oh. Hello!" The owner smiled at Seyoung, who returned him a smile. Seyoung was an introvert and she could never really interact with people she didn't know.

"Hi. I'm his friend." She said, being the awkward wreck she is. She sounded really weird and realized it when Jihoon winced after she greeted herself.

"Well, I can't call you 'his friend' can I? I'm sure you must have a name." The man said with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, yes. Jung Seyoung. Nice to meet you sir." She said, bowing. The owner nodded, acknowledging her presence. He thought for a few minutes when his eyes widened.

"Jung Seyoung. You mean trainee, Jung Seyoun-" he got cut off when Jihoon placed his palm over his lips when the other hand was wrapped around his shoulder.

"Uncle, we came for black bean noodles. Please prepare it for us. Please." He said, eyes piercing through the man's. The man nodded and walked away.

"Why does everyone here know me now that my brother died? I feel like shit." She said, shaking her head when Jihoon patted her back in understanding.

"Jung Seyoung?" A familiar voice spoke. Seyoung looked up to see Suho standing with the girl from the night before. Seyoung widened her eyes and pointed at her.

"Lee Suho! What is she doing here?" The girl stared at Seyoung and she stared back. They looked at each other for a few seconds before the glasses shook out of her daze.

"Bye.." the girl said meekly before running away with a bag in her hand, receiving a smile from Seyoung. "This one is cute," she said.

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