Chapter 8 Life After

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It's been 10 years since I was kidnapped and I am healing a little more each and every day. I have come up with different things to help keep us from danger or getaway. I am engaged to a wonderful and handsome man. He is my biggest helper in all this he helped me heal and move past it, we have a beautiful one-year-old girl who because of the situation I was put in I am super protective of my daughter Rain I guess probably too much but I am just extra cautious than before, I wouldn't want that to ever happen to her what I had done to me but I am working on it.

I run my own business now we help find people who have either been kidnapped or trafficked and we even get the offenders locked up and off the street.

I also teach self-defense and I designed a button that goes on the inside of your sleeve and it can't be seen all you have to do is just slide your hand a little up your sleeve and push the little button and it sends off a silent alarm to the police not only will it alert them but it will tell them your location and you don't ever have to worry about it dying it stays on for life or you get your money back. I am doing great in my life now and I am so happy I don't even have to worry about seeing him ever. I am moving on and it feels amazing. I was able to meet up with everyone who helped with my rescue I gave them each a button for helping me. We all talk at least once a day and we are all closer than ever. I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for them I thank God for them every single day they helped me get my life back.

Yeah, my life was stolen from me but I stole it back.

If you ever have yours stolen remember to pick yourself up, and day by day you steal little by little till they have nothing left, and if you have to fight then fight till you can't fight anymore but steal your life back.

The End......

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