Chapter 2 The Move

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The next day I put all of my things into the u-haul and then went to help my parents. We packed up a lot of stuff but we had a lot of things to pack still.

We have been packing all day, by the time we got done packing it was already four o'clock and we started at 6 am.

When I was done with the bathrooms I went to my mom and asked if there was anything else she needed help with.

" I got the kitchen if you would like to help me do the living room that would be helpful," mom said.

"Okay mom," I said.

I went into the living room and started putting things into boxes. It took almost two hours to to pack up the living room but we had to keep going so that's what we did we kept going and about two hours later we were all done packing. My mom and I walked around to see if we missed anything then we were on the road.

I called River to tell her goodbye one last time, I got my book out and started reading but it was interrupted by a ding noise on my phone, when I picked it up there was one unread message.

Unknown: Just cause you to think that changing your number or moving will stop me from seeing, hearing, or getting to you will stop me think again. I want you to be mine and you will be so see you soon, Indiana.

I just continued to read my book, I wasn't going to tell my parents to get them mad or all in an uproar, they were so excited about the move so I didn't want to ruin that.

Two hours went by since we had been driving when my parents decided we were going to pull over and get something to eat. We ordered from the drive-thru so it would be faster so we could get back on the road. as soon as I got my food I took back out my book and started to read it again while I ate. When I was done eating as I was reading I must have fallen asleep.

All I remember was being woken up by my mom's voice while she was tapping me on my leg.

" Indiana was here," my mom said.

I sat up and looked around.

"Why are we stopped here these houses aren't small," I said.

" Ha ha ha I was trying to surprise you see that blue and white house right there that is ours," my mom said pointing out the house.

" Wow this place is beautiful I loved it," I said.

As we got out to stretch my mom was already demanding my dad and I unload the U-haul and bring everything inside so she can put everything away she said the sun won't be up forever.

A few seconds later a car pulls up in front of ours, then the door comes open and it's River and her mom getting out.

" What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

" We're here to help, but we're just here until tomorrow morning but wherever you need us or want us to do just say the word we are glad to help," River said.

So River, my dad, and I unloaded the U-haul while the Ladies put everything away.

After we were done River and I went into the family room and put everything where it needed to go then we were off to my room.

When I opened the door O.M.G it was huge, it was twice the size of my last room.

The bathroom had a jet shower and a Jacuzzi tub and I even had a walk-in closet, It was perfect.

When we were done we ordered pizza, laid down on our beds, I had a pull-out bed for River, and watched a movie until we fell asleep.

. The next morning when I woke up and I noticed River and her mom were already gone, there was a gift and a letter right next to where I was sleeping I put them up to look at them later, I had to get up and get ready to go because my mom and I was going down to sign me up for school. I grabbed my phone and looked at it to see unread messages.

Unknown: Hello

Me: Who is this. Do I know you?" I asked.

Unknown: No you don't but I know everything about you.

I got scared so I didn't reply back all day. I wasn't going to let that message ruin my day.

My mom and I were on our way to the school district to sign me up for school.

When we got there it had a long line but about 15 minutes later we made it through and I was in school. Then we went shopping for school supplies and clothes, and by Sunday I was all set for school.

Monday was here and I was excited to be going to a new school, my mom took me on the first day so I could see how far I had to walk which wasn't far at all.

I went into the office to get my schedule and then I headed off to my first class.

At the end of the day, I went and signed up for the dance team I was so happy.

I made a lot of friends including this girl named Justice, I loved all of my classes and the teachers were really nice too, I was excited to have a fresh start at least that's what I thought.

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