They're Black.

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Bakugou has a problem. That problem is Izuku Midoriya. They're third years now, about to graduate in a few months, and make their way to the top. Don't get Bakugou wrong, they've resolved all their childhood baggage. That was in second year. The blonde properly apologized for being a total ass back then and Midoriya obviously forgave him even though he had already done so long ago. So after that up to now they hang out regularly, continue to spar, have joint study sessions, do homework, and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. To say the least they could consider each other proper friends again and Midoriya definitely smiles from ear to ear when Bakugou acknowledges that fact.

Lastly however, Bakugou has been feeling different. It started this year. He'd like to lie and say he doesn't know what's going on with him, but he's not stupid. He knows what's wrong, or right depending on how you look at it, but from his point of view it's wrong. His stupid gross feelings keep getting in the way of his daily routine and he didn't like it. Unfortunately it take a while to figure out what his feelings were though because he's never felt anything for anyone of any gender other than friendship. He honestly thought something was wrong with him and his dick for a while, but he realized he was just busy doing other shit and sex wasn't all the thought about like some of his other classmates.

If or when he decided to have personal time that wasn't training by himself, sparing with Midoriya and Kirishima, doing homework, or studying (which wasn't often) he would search a porn site or try to find a good R18 doujin just like anyone does. Bakugou also knew he favored boys or at least male genitalia considering when he did search for something to get him off, he always landed on something that included biological males. However, he might have indulged in some futanari or from time to time, but even that was futa on soul male.

He respected woman, they were fucking strong, and most of the girls he knew could almost win in a fight against him or at least almost win. Bakugou didn't doubt or underestimate the women he knew. Visually, they aren't bad to look at and they definitely smell better than most guys, but the thought of sticking his tongue or dick inside a vagina kind of makes him wanna puke out his intestines. No offense to the ladies, it's just how he feels.

Now Bakugou is back to his problem. If he's Midoriya's friend, they solved their problems, and Bakugou is aware he's gay, then what the hell is the problem and why is it with Midoriya? Well maybe it's because lately every time they spar together, Midoriya shows up in leggings or tight shorts and a slightly shorter than normal T- Shirt instead of his gym uniform. Seriously Bakugou's is pretty sure the shirt isn't as long as it usually is even though it looks like one of Midoriya's regular stupid noun shirts. The shorter had no fashion sense at all. Whatever that doesn't matter. Normally that wouldn't be a problem because Bakugou doesn't care that clothes are gendered. He's a firm believer of wear whatever the fuck you want.

Sure the leggings are a damn problem, but in actuality Bakugou has two problems. One, it's extremely hard to focus when Midoriya is wearing leggings. It's not really the leggings themselves per say, it's what the thin black fabric is holding. A plump, tanned, freckled, ass. He's seen it before in the comunial bathroom, Saunas, and Onsens. Unfortunately and to his own admission, Bakugou was an ass man. He fucking loved them. He liked big, he liked them chunky, and Midoriya had a luscious ass he wanted to sink his thick cock into.

That brings him to problem number two. The ass in question is attached to Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya. His childhood friend, turned victim to his perpetual bullying, turned enemy, turned friendly rival, and turned overall best friend again. So as much as Bakugou wants that ass to sit on his face with its full weight so he can't breathe, he can't. He just can't. That will ruin all of their progress. All of it. They've made it all the way back to being friends and Bakugou can't let his dick do his thinking. He absolutely won't. Shoving the thoughts away he looked across the gym floor to see his friend that owned the best ass on this earth.

Damn Leggings.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora