The Song we Share

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The song we share.

This book is for the more musically inclined, as there is a deep sense of passion for song throughout what was uploaded in this novel. The start of the book begins with a character recognising a familiar tune, and it continues from there.

This book was well written, and contained barely any grammar or spelling issues, and was excessively descriptive to the minute details, which created a lull in the book which caused me to become almost bored with the lack of progress, as nothing much was achieved in this lengthily piece, despite the high quality of what was written. At the time I read this, there were only four chapters uploaded, and nothing in the way of a plot had seemed to be achieved, however this could very well been a deftly thought out tactic by the writer to surprise the reader. However, I could not honestly say this was one of my favourite novels, however for those who like a detailed, slow paced novel with deep connections to music; this is the book for you.

This review is by the Weekly_review, in regards to the story written by Lynx43, called the song we share. Hope you enjoyed it.

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