"Maybe I'm happy with what I've got."

"Somehow I doubt that. But, if I've failed to pique your interest, by all means disregard this call. If, on the other hand, you feel you'd be a worthy addition to our ranks... Join us. Tonight. Bring that gorgeous woman standing next to you as your date, if you so well please. Just don't be late."

The phone call ended then and I rushed to the window. How the hell did he know? And god, I was flattered. Gorgeous? Thank you, sir. "Wow, look at his limo," I murmured, watching it start to drive away. It was parked right outside our building.

"You think I should go?" Marcel asked me.

"Is Tristan cute?" I smirked, turning around to face him.

"Didn't you break up with Klaus only like a couple of weeks ago? I hear you crying every night."

"We share a room!" I laughed. "Shut up. No. I deserve some fun. What better way to kickstart being single again than flirting with another guy. Hell, Klaus spent our relationship with other women so..."

"Okay, okay. We'll go," Marcel said. "But I'm taking a shower first."

I smiled, nodding and waving him off. He headed up the short couple of stairs to the higher floor where his bedroom and bathroom were. Once he was out of sight, I sighed. I rolled my shoulders back, trying to relieve all my pent up tension. I missed Klaus like fucking crazy.

He's called me a hundred times at least. I haven't answered once. I've spoken to everyone else though. Hayley, Jackson, Freya, and Elijah. I've been crashing with Marcel for the last three weeks, trying to come up with a real plan. I knew everyone was expecting Klaus and I to get back together. I could feel it with every half-hearted 'you'll be okay'. I knew they were sorry and understood that I was hurting. But they couldn't possibly imagine the tiredness I was feeling. I was hopeless. And I didn't anticipate any reconciliation with Klaus in the near future. He wasn't brushing this off. He wasn't fixing this with an apology or promises or even diamonds.


Saturday, September 29th
1:00 PM

I was hurrying up the steps, trying to make it to my makeup room. I did not want to get ambushed by anyone. I've been avoiding Klaus of course, and Freya half the time, who has left me voicemails, begging me to sit down and talk to my ex. But I wouldn't do that. I wasn't ready for that. I just wanted to sneak in the compound and grab more clothes then sneak back out without any melodrama.


I sucked my teeth, cursing the universe. "I'm just grabbing some clothes. I'll have movers soon," I told Klaus dismissively.

"Baby girl, wait," he pleaded, chasing after me as I slipped into my makeup room. He caught the door just as I was closing it behind me. "It's been weeks! Danielle, please."

"I just need a dress for a party tonight!" I groaned in annoyance, pushing against the door. As if I was ever going to be stronger than he was. "Klaus, stop. Go away, please. It's been 20 days. Why can't you just give me some space? It's the fucking least you can do."

A moment passed then so did his hold of the door. It slammed shut as my body weight was against it. I sighed in relief. "I'll give you space. For now, Danielle. But we will talk... Right? Soon I hope. I... I really miss you, love. I just want you to come home. Or at least tell me where you've been staying. I've been worried about you. No one knows and those who do won't tell me anything," he said and I winced.

"You don't need to worry about me," I replied, biting my lip as I locked the door just to be safe. I couldn't face him. I didn't want to see him or talk to him. And I really, really didn't want to start crying.

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now