Day ??

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The door opened and Leo cocked his head up gently shaking Finley awake, a short and a tall male walked in.

"Who are you!" Finley asked, yet neither of the muttered a word, each of them shoved Finley and Leo down, the tying their hands and placing a bag over their heads.

They were pulled up and escorted out, finley kept breathing steadily despite The unwanted anxieties that arose causing his breath to Hitch every so often.

he desperately wanted to reach out for leo, after all Leo was his comfort. In this moment he just wanted his best friend, he was terrified. For all he knew he was executed.

"So I see you were stumbling in my land" in unfamiliar voice spoke, it was a masculine voice however he sounded relatively Young no older than 29.

"We didn't know- we would've left straight away if we realized!" Leo exclaimed, following by a grunt, Finley looked around panicking wishing he had some sort of vision of the events taking place.

Another Grant escaped leo, "That's enough Boo don't you thank?" The same voice as early said.

"Yes sir" another voice said.

"Your friend, short girl pretty riled up earlier" the male paused with the chuckle "she has a pretty face now with a pretty nasty black eye"

"Pisces? What did you do with her! We're is she!" Leo demanded.

"Shouldn't you have bigger concerns Leo"

"How do you know my name!"

"Because I'm not an idiot"

The bags are pulled from Leo and Finley's head, they could see all around them.

In front of them stood a Mafia looking man with a dark suit on. His hair jet black that was pushed to the side slightly. He was dressed well clean looking clothing.

A watch around his wrist, it was shiny unbroken.

"What's your business here in Scarlett" The man cracked his knuckles.

"First of all who are you" Leo narrowed his eyes.

The man chuckled, he looked to the tall male beside him and nodded the man raced his gun and walked beside Leo hitting him in the stomach with the back of a large ak-14, Leo grunted healing over, he'd be clutching his stomach if it wasn't for the fact that his hands were restrained.

"Your not the one asking the questions, so I'll ask again" the man stretched his arms and knelt down "What are you doing in Scarlett"

"Heading to Michigan" leo grande regaining his posture, sitting upright.

"Michigan? Newberry? Pfft that miles off you'll never make it" the man chuckled standing back up properly and brushing his knees off.
"We have come from Louisiana"
"You won't make it, not the way your group is"
"What's that supposed to mean"

The male shroud, a devilish Mark upon his face, he raised an eyebrow

"After all, you're exploring the president's brother. You may as well stick a bounty and red laser on your head"

"So that's why you've got us, for Aairz"

"You idiot, don't want shit to do whit that kid!"

"Then what do you want"

"Her" the man gesture to a door and Virgos walked out, looking fresh, new clothes and seemed like she'd showered.

"Virgos!? The hell you want with her?"
"I thank I'd like to keep my girlfriend with me"
"Girlfriend!?" Finley exclaimed in shock
"Come here Virgos" Libra gestured to beside him, hesitantly Virgos took a seat, he looked up to Leo.

A bad look was on Virgos face, something wasn't right.

"Libra I can't do this" Virgos pleaded turning to him.
"Why's that beautiful"
"I'm not staying unless Pisces stays too"
"The crazy girl? Hm..." Libra paused thanking
"She's attractive, I'll give you that" he smirked "but I damn pain in the ass!"
"I promise, she was just afraid, give her a chance"
"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt"
"Thank you!" Virgos beamed leaning over to plant a kiss on Libra's cheek, all finley and Leo could do is watch In shock.

"I want your friend Aairz off my land, I'll replace your car and provide you with a small amount of provisions" Libra said crossing his legs, grabbing Virgos hand.

"What Pisces just can't stay here! Virgos-' Leo begged, yet once again was met with a gun to his stomach causing him to choke and sputter hurling over.

"That's Enough Mors!" Libra demanded, Moros stepped back.

"Just get the hell off my land, I don't want to hear complaining because I'll gladly shoot you on site"

"Can we at least say goodbye" Finley frownd.

"Hm if you must, Cupid get Pisces in here"

Pisces sighed, her head fell as if it was pounding and her eyes was painful to touch.


"So I'm staying"

Libra nodded

"Oh" Pisces from looking over to Leo and Finley.

"Say your goodbyes you won't be seeing them again" Libra crossed his arms

"Right uh..." Pisces walked over to Leo

"Come on Loly, you don't have to do this" Leo pleaded
"I don't thank I have a choice Leo"
"She right, she doesn't" Libra snickered
"You'll be okay, I promise! You have finley. Besides! The team always finds their way back to each other" Pisces smile, despite how terrified she was and tried her hardest to remain positive.

"Pisces..." Finley sighed trying not to tear up.
"You two are like brothers to me, I don't just leave family behind forever" Pisces smiled ruffling Leo's hair.

"We'll see you again, I promise Pisces." Finley smiled.
Leo forced a smile aswell as Finley.

Pisces hug the two before bags were placed over their heads and they were escorted out.

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