Day 5 - part 2

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Virgo brushed her hand over the door handle, letting out a deep sigh, she pushed it open. Her eyes looking up, the house was just as she'd remember it, despite unlike the past she wasn't met with a vanilla cinnamon type smell upon opening the door, just like every other home it smells damp and felt cold.

Her eyes glanced over the photo frames that remained on the drawers by the front door and her days met a specific photo, a smile growing on her face as she stared at it for a little longer.

The rest of the group walked in making their way to the living room dropping their bags down. While Leo welded his ax and began to tap on doors searching the house usually Finley would follow him but he couldn't be bothered so sat with Aairz across legged on the living room floor.

"Who's that?" Pisces asked prompting to the photo that Virgos was fixing on.
"Me and my brother" she smiled picking the photo frame up and taking it to the living room, she sat beside Aairz as Pisces sat next to her. Leo finally came back from checking every room over multiple times and sat himself next to Finley.

"We were filming when everything kicked off dash I was about to get promoted to Sagittarius crue instead of just being a cameraman because one of the guys really liked me - but I made sure I ran straight home. I guess I didn't get here in time, he was already... you know..." Virgos looked at the photo then back up at the group.
"I'm sorry Virgos" Leo sighed.

There was a mixture of sorry, while Pisces padded Virgos back in a reassuring manner.

"Have you guys ever lost somebody?" Vergos asked.

The room went silent.

Pisces in Finley look between each other knowing what was coming. Leo stood and stormed off as they expected, Finley got up and chased after him.

"I guess I lost someone once" Aairz chimed in the group diverted their attention to him
"Well I mean he's not dead physically, but the day I ran off with the enemy he died to me" Aairz hit his inner cheek and held back a sigh.
"That sounds kinda crappy dude I'm sorry" Pisces added.

Finley entered the room, Leo was stood over the window seal.

"It's Finey getting to you isn't it?" Finley frownd standing in the doorway, he watched the back of Leo's head as he nodded, Leo gesture with a singlear hang for Finley to come over.

Quietly finally shut the bedroom door and made his way to Leo.

"Do you want a hug?" Finley asked looking up at leo, simply he nodded in response, Finley was quick to wrap his arms around him.

It wasn't long before he felt tears drop on the top of his head, Leo was always a silent cryer they so gracefully from his eyes and slid down his cheeks until falling from a stubble of his chin.

"Capricorn was there and I thought I could get to him but I couldn't-" he choked.
"Leo- it ok if your not ready"
"Yes Leo.."

Finley felt Leo pull away, they now looked into each other's eyes, so much felt as if it was being said yet no words left either other of their mouths.

"I need you more then I want to admit"
"I know Leo"
"No Finley, I need you more than anyone"
"Why's that?"

"Don't make me say it, please"
"Leo..." Finley trased his hand to Leo's cheek. "Show me than" he continued.

Leo bit his bottom lip, he brought his hand to Finley's warm cheeks and pulled him close, interlocking their lips, a better salt of tears enlanced within the kiss, yet neither of them cared, they both were just grateful that the unspoken feelings were finally being someone resolved.

Briefly they pulled away, "Finley I've waited years to do that"
"You've kept me waiting for years idiot" Finley said pulling Leo back down into the kiss.

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