Day 3

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Upon entering the state of Arkansas, a couple hours of driving the car began to choke up spit.

"I told you not to run over that z over earlier" Pisces teased rolling her eyes, she enjoyed the comfort of being sat down with her leg on the dash for a little while longer knowing it'd come to a swift end in the next few minutes.

"I don't know what you find funny this means we have to walk" Leo put his head on the steering wheel, the worst part was, it was late at night meaning it's much more dangerous incredibly risky to be wondering what was was such a major city in the dark.

Quiet snores could be heard in the backseat.

"What is wrong with back seat people and sleeping" Pisces snickered

"No idea but wake them up, and let's move on, I don't like the looks of this." Leo said he unlocked the car doors and pulled his gun, in his other had a flashlight.

Pisces went to the back seat and shook Aairz and finitely awake, Aairz shot up raising his fist causing Pisces to laugh, whilst Finley set up like the little princess he was, clearly used to his lifestyle of Leo and Pisces doing the work.

Finley slugged out of the car, tired rubbing his eyes.

"Walking so soon I was sure the car had a little longe-" he felt a harsh grab at his feet followed by a growl, he screamed.
He kicked trying to get it off he fell, leo rushed over switching his gun for a knife and stabbing the creature repeatedly in the head.

"He's fine, Leo calm down!" Pisces pulled Leo off of the now completely dead zombie who's head had been turned into a measly paste

Finley was still hyperventilating leaving against the car head back trying to collect and focus his breathing, Aairz noticed and crouched beside him.

"Hey man- focus- focus on your breathing!" Aariz tryed to help to his best ability, yet he wasn't grate with conflict.

"Let's just get going" Leo bluntly said wiping the blood from his face with the bottom of his shirt causing his shirt to lift, his toned stomach peaking out, Pisces and Aariz trailer forwarded, yet Leo hung back a little.

"You alright Darling?" He brushed his hand over Finleys face checking him over.

"Yes, just startled. That's all." He muttered finally gathering his breath.

"You sure?" Leo gave a gentle pat on his shoulder before jogging to meet up with the others, Finley made sure he was beside someoneat all times, he now held his knife, jumping at every little sound.

They'd entered the outskirts of the city, a small herd of Z's could be seen a few blocks up, around three dozen. Leo put his finger over his mouth and pointed to a house on there left, the only house that was accessible since the rest were ether damaged due to fires or were completely blocked off from entering.

They stood on the porch of the house, Leo drew two fingers to his ear and pointed to the windows before putting a finger over his lips again. Aariz was rather confused, not knowing the unspoken language between them, yet he put two and two together and got a rough idea of it.

Finley tapped on the window with his knuckle, no growling or movement Was Heard, signaling that no Z's well at least walking ones. Leo signalled to the groups weapons, Aariz stumble about trying to locate his knife, finding it eventually and giving a confirm nod.

"Melee only, don't trigger the horde" Leo whispered and the group nod an agreement trolling their melee weapons, Pisces holding her ax, whilst Finley had his machete, and Aariz with his embarrassing small pocket knife.

Leo opened the door, flashlight raised with one hand, his knife lelf in his dominant hand.

"IM NOT A Z!" A voice cryed out

The group looked between each other in confusion.

"What?" Leo cocked his head back, whoever must this be a weak unless it was a planned attack.

"I didn't want you guys to shoot me thanking I was one of those things- I swear I'm alive" the voice mumbled from the shadows.

"Yeah no shoot Sherlock you're talking" Pisces rolled her eyes

"Y'gonna come out then" Leo asked, still keeping his gard up.

"Fine" The voice drew closer and out came a girl came out long blonde hair with curtain bangs and a mask covering her lower face. It was dark and the pattern was scratched off, she wore a colored black hoodie consistenting earthy colors.

Pisces felt her hart do a somersault at the sight of the girl, she was Gorgeous.

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