Unexpected Answer

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Demi: Hey Derek?

Derek: Yes Demi?

Demi: If you were to drop the championship to someone, like one who needs it or someone that needs the boost, who would you do it for?

Derek: I'd give the Hardcore Championship to uh snaps his fingers Ali

Demi: Really? And how do you know the gonna win the Hardcore Championship?

Derek: Demi, it's a "What if?" scenario

Demi: Okay, just asking

Derek: And the Untied States Heavyweight Championship to Dolph Ziggler

Demi: That surprises me even more. Even after what you've been through with him?

Derek: I really think if they would turn him face instead of heel, and he wins his 3rd world championship, it'd be great for him

Demi: Very thoughtful

Derek: Yeah. But those are the two I would do drop them too

Demi: My Derek being nice? Never thought it would happen

Derek: I'll knock your teeth out right now

Demi: And there he is

They laugh and kiss

They arrive at Smackdown and take their seats. Derek pulls out his phone as they arrived a little late

Demi: What did we miss?

Derek: We'll it looks like Dolph and Bobby are getting tension going

He looks at Demi

Demi: There's no way

Derek: Yeah

Demi: Oh my god

During that night, they watched the matches of Dirty Dawgz vs Usos. They saw during the match that Bobby would get mad any time Ziggler missed a tag. When he did get tagged, Bobby would then do a few moves. Bobby sees Ziggler on the apron, he pushed him off. Bobby would go for the Glorious DDT, but Jey would stop him. They bit the double splash and win the match. Bobby then would yell at Ziggler and leaves him behind

Derek: Oooohhhh, things are heating up

Demi: Yes they are


Dolph: Bobby, Bobby!

Roode just continues walking

Dolph: Bobby!

Shane: Dolph, just let him go

Dolph: I don't know why he's acting like this man

Shane: We'll sort it out, but for now just leave him alone

Dolph sighs and nods, hoping his friend is okay

Derek: Wow they are really pushing it, or this is actually real

Demi: Either way, it's good


Adam Cole walks out with the Universal Championship around his waist. He does his entrance to a large pop from the crowd, bout the same pqx,op John Cena would get. He enters the ring and grabs a mic

Adam: How are we doing tonight WWE Universe!?

Crowd cheers

Adam: Glad to be here in the Sun City itself, Las Vegas!

Crowd cheers

Adam: That's energy! Now, with Wrestlemania only now two! Weeks away, I gotta find myself and opponent. Since Seth Rollins blew his chance by losing in the first 8 man Hell in a Cell match, I need an opponent, someone who can really bring me a fight

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