Rhea's Contract and Goldberg

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Goldberg: I'm out here tonight, because I've seen one man manipulate six people into believing in his bullshit. Well five now cause one of them is gone. But that doesn't change what he did. This man needs to be put in his place. Derek Jackson, come out here right now, and put your money where your mouth is


Marcel: I don't know boss, should you?

Derek: At this point I'd rather get this done and over with. I've got Rhea, her getting her championship back, and now him

Walter: Can I say something?

Derek: Sure

Walter: Let us handle Rhea and Sasha.

Derek: thinks about it

Walter: You got take care of Goldberg. Otherwise he won't stop until he gets to you

Derek: Alright, I trust you guys

He grabs his championship and walks out, and Stephanie walks in

Stephanie: So I guess he's going out for Goldberg?

Walter: Yep

Stephanie: Well then, when he gets back, tell him Rhea's got a contract

Walter: Will do

Out in the arena

Derek's music plays as he walks out. He walks down to the ring and gets in. He catches a mic

Derek: Alright old man what do you what?

Goldberg: I may be old but I can still fight

Derek: Okay

Goldberg: I want a shot at you, and your championship

Derek: Okay thinks Earn it. Cause stepping in here and asking for one has less probability to get one, then it would be for you to actually wrestle, you know, pro wrestling. If you actually do it, win matches to get a contender's match, and then win that, you'll get one. But asking for one, no

Goldberg: looks down, then back up Alright, fine, I'll play the game. But you better be ready for when I do become number one contender

Derek: Was that so hard?

Then AJ Styles comes out

AJ: Yeah Goldberg I'm not sire if you watched Elimination Chamber, but I beat Randy Orton to be next in line for the championship

He gets in the ring

AJ: So I was confused when you even came out here

Then Baron Corbin comes out surprisingly

Corbin: You all forgot my rematch clause!

Derek: Dude it's been almost 8 months, where the hell have you been?

Corbin: I've been in rehab

Derek: For 7 months?

Corbin: I got injured during the match Derek! The match should have been stopped

Derek: It wouldn't, but whatever

AJ: Yeah it was a fatal 4 Way for the championship, you'd just be taken out of the match

Corbin: Shut up! I'm taking my title

Derek: Championship

Corbin: Title! Back to Smackdown! Then Raw won't have a world champion again!

The crowd boos

Corbin: I've held that title for over a year! I'm not gonna let some Raw Punk superstar break my record as longest reigning United States Heavyweight Champion!

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