The Hits Just Keep On Coming

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Derek: Really? You all have to go back to NXT?

Walter: Yeah, unfortunately.

Derek: Aw man. That sucks

Marcel: Yeah but we'll be back, sometime in the future

Rhea: I'll miss you girls

Toni: Yeah, but we can always try to meet up in between

Raquel: Yeah

They all hug before they leave. Then it's just Derek and Rhea left.

Derek: So, what do you wanna do?

Rhea: Let's head back, and relax until our promo

Derek: Alrighty then

They head to their locker room. They set their championships down and sit on the couch. Rhea then snuggles with Derek, hugging him and putting a leg over his lap, as he puts and arm around her and a hand on her leg.

Derek: I love you Rhea

Rhea: I love you too Derek

They kiss and stay in this position until their promo

With others

Seth: God damn it

Seth is pacing around thinking about his mistake

Seth: If only I'd seen Joe down before hand

Becky: You'll be okay. You can still try to get him at Wrestlemania.

Seth: I wasted my Royal Rumble spot though with that Hell in a Cell match

Becky: Doesn't mean you can't challenge him again. If you want to win the United States Heavyweight Championship, the title that you've won twice before, then be the man and stomp Derek's head in

Seth: You have such a way with words Becky

Becky: I know I do

???: Well your gonna have to get in line Seth

Becky: Who-

Gideon walks into frame, the crowd cheering, wearing a cloak like Jon Snow from Hunger Games

Gideon: Cause while you may have beat Triple H, you haven't beaten me. And since I've been traded to Raw, I plan and making the best of while I'm here. So wait in line like a good little boy, and watch someone better than you handle the champion

He leaves, having a now pissed off Seth and irritated Becky

Seth: There is no way he's gonna be next

He leaves and Becky just smiles, and Stephanie walks in

Stephanie: Well Becky, it's Mania Season. Have you chosen your opponent?

Becky: It's Rhea Ripley. Her and Derek need to be silenced

Stephanie: Okay

Derek's Promo

Derek: Now as you see we're out here, back to what we were before the Mafia. Why are we here, just the two of us? Well everyone else had to leave. Went back to NXT.

Crowd boos but also awwws

Derek: Yeah, so now it's just me and Rhea, champions after Fastlane and still together

Crowd cheers

Derek: To be completely honest, Inwas expecting such a negative reaction. Also by the way you guys like the new hair on Rhea?

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