Karion vs Derek: Part 1

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Derek is getting his gear on as his match with Bobby Fish is almost up. He's alone because he wants to go into the match focused. Rhea objected, but Derek convinced her. Derek finishes and walks to the gorilla. He nods to people saying hi as he walks past.

Adam: Man looks ready

Karion: He ain't getting past Fish. I know it

Adam: How? You don't know what he can do

Karion: I have faith in Bobby. That's all I need

Derek's them hits and he walks out. He does slap hands as he walks down the ramp, but he doesn't interact with the fans.

Michael: That's a look of focus

Corey: I would be too if I had to save WWE from Karion

Bryon: I don't expect this match to go easy for Derek

Michael: Especially he hasn't been in the ring for a year

Little do they know, it will go easy.

Bobby comes out all hyped up. He jogs to the ring with a smug smirk. He gets in and jogs around. He gets his shirt off and the ref calls for the bell. Derek immediately clotheslines him into the corner. Then he tosses him over his head across the ring. Derek clotheslines him again and tosses him again. Bobby then gets up, but Derek picks him up and snakes eyes Bobby. He then does a tilt a whirl side slam on Bobby. Derek then gets him in his shoulder. He then throws him up and does double knees to Bobby's chest. He then uses his strength and gets Bobby on his shoulders, facing up. Then he goes to flip him over, but quickly turns it into a pile driver. Derek then waits as Bobby staggerly gets up. Derek then does the Brutalizer on Bobby and gets the three count. The crowd cheers loudly as Derek's hand is raised. Derek he out of the ring, but Roderick Strong and Kyle O'Reilly attack him. Derek shoves Kyle off and hits Roderick against the barrier. Kyle tries to hit Derek, but he gets reversed and gets hit with the same pile driver Derek did to Bobby. Roderick throws Derek into the steel steps. He gets Derek up, who hits him with a hard right. Derek then lifts Roderick into the Brutalizer, and slams him onto the bottom steel steps. Derek walks away, leaving three of four Undisputed Era members in ruin. He gets back through gorilla and heads to his locker room. Rhea and the others knock and he lets them in

Seth: Ok, can I say something?

Derek: Hm?

Seth: How were you able to turn what looked like a KOD from Bianca into a pile driver that quickly?

Derek: Timing. That's it.

Seth: You sure?

Derek: If I do it too soon, broken neck, too late, broken jaw or nose

Seth: Damn. But that was still cool.

Derek: Thanks. Need a name for it though

Roman: That your signature then?

Derek: Yeah. Even though it looks like to be a finisher

Roman: Chaos Driver?

Seth: No, uh, how about Adrenaline Punisher?

Bianca: How about Chaos Punishment?

Rhea: Brutal Ending?

Dean: Headshot?

Dakota: Hell Hangover?

AJ: Light Cut? Like cutting power from a light

Derek: They all sound good

Roman: I think Brutal Ending won't work cause then that would have to be the name of the Brutalizer

Rhea: Sorry

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