The Toughest Decision

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And sure, that may have been the case then for Derek and Rhea, but that isn't the case now

Since AEW sprouted, it's been crushing in ratings, making WWE holding on for dear life to be better. Sure the Derek and CM Punk feud is happening, along with Roman Reigns and the surprisingly new U.S Heavyweight Champion Baron Corbin. But that the best out of the other feuds. WWE is hanging on to the Royal Rumble matches to beat AEW in January.

This has affected WWE wrestlers too. Some have quit and gone to AEW. Some back to the indie scene. Derek has been put on the seesaw of staying and quiting. Rhea has been helping him, but then again, the overbearing of making good promos and matches piles on. CM Punk has also been put on the seesaw.

Philip: This is difficult

Derek: Yeah. I get a headache every Monday Night now.

Philip: I'm not sure creative can come up with anything

Derek: Yeah

Philip: They want us to bring in Rhea and AJ to make it a couple feud

Derek: Are you serious?

Philip: Yep

Derek: holds his head God damn it, why?

Philip: I want to keep it us two

Derek: Yeah, cause you returned two weeks ago.

Philip: That and I want a good match with you

Derek: Not if they make it a couple feud

Philip: Yeah...

Seth: You guys doing alright?

Derek: If you don't count the headaches and fans yelling how WWE is gonna die, then yeah

Seth: Well, your lucky you didn't get soda thrown on you

Derek: Just you wait

Philip: Yeah, they're not gonna do it just to you

Becky: Hey Seth sniffs Is that Pepsi?

Seth: Yes

Becky: That rough?

Seth: Yeah

Becky: I don't know why the fans are like this

Derek/Philip: Because, AEW is new. Everything is different. The only thing people like now of WWE is the women's division, and not for good reasons

Btw, this wasn't how it actually was when AEW started, I'm just doing it for fictional story purposes

Becky: Wow

Seth: You guys have been put through hell from creative huh?

Derek: Yes

Philip: Yes

Becky: I'm gonna go get Pepsi man here cleaned up. Hope you two get some breathing room in this

Derek: That's all we can do is hope

Philip: Thanks though

Seth and Becky leave

Producer: sweating a lot Derek.....Punk........match is.....up

Derek: What happened to you?

Producer: Since people have left, kinda hard to get help

Philip: Alright, thanks

They get up

Philip: So what soda are you getting?

Derek: If Seth got Pepsi, I'm definitely getting Coca Cola

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