Concert to Remember

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Montez: That's such bullshit!

Montez and Derek are standing back to back. They stopped at a gas station to measure their heights

Derek: Told you

Montez: I can't believe your taller than me

AJ: Were you expecting to be the tallest?

Montez: I wanted at least same height

Derek: Can we move now

AJ: Yeah

Derek: walks forward Ok

Montez: leans against the van as What are the girls doing?

AJ: Getting drinks and snacks

Derek: No, we're not getting drunk, just soda and water and all that shit

Montez: Good

AJ: Imagine us drinking before a concert.

Derek: Yeah right

With the girls

Bianca: Grab some Oreos, AJ will like them

Dakota: Who doesn't?

Rhea: Wonder if he's a smoked or a BBQ guy....

Bianca: What?

Rhea: Tryna pick a steak sandwich for Derek and I

Dakota: You can go ask him

Rhea: Yeah, but then it wouldn't be a surprise

Bianca: You really like him don't you?

Rhea: Yes.

Bianca: Maybe after the concert you can tell him

Rhea: A day after his breakup? Yeah real smart

Dakota: She's got a point Bianca

Bianca: I'm not trying to think about a whore alright?

Rhea: Gonna call her any name you can this of huh?

Bianca: Pretty much.

Rhea: I'll take smoked takes two smoked sandwiches

Dakota: Grabs a three Oreo mini cups Got them

Bianca: I already got the drinks. Coke for Derek, Sprite for Montez and me, Mountain Dew for Dakota and AJ

Rhea: Hope you grabbed enough Coke

Bianca: I did. Aren't you gonna grab Pepsi for you?

Rhea: I don't like Pepsi anymore, the taste isn't what it used to be

Bianca: So your sharing Coke with Derek?

Rhea: Is that a problem?

Bianca: Maybe with him

Rhea: Shit. Your right. Eh, I'll convince him

Dakota: We got everything?

Bianca: You got the money?

Dakota: Duh. You pay first, then me, then Rhea

Bianca: Alright

They go up to the counter. Rhea stays and looks for something

Rhea: There you are grabs family size mega stuff Oreos

She walks to the counter, where Dakota is paying.

Rhea: Where'd Bianca go?

Dakota: Put the drinks in the cooler

Rhea: Ok

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