10 Things That Make Me Happy

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I tag @eleanorctaylor and @EarlGreyDrinker to do this.

1. Playing music. I love to be able to pick up a guitar, find a piano or grab some sheet music and play my flute. Nothing compares to the satisfaction of playing your heart out.

2. Listening to music. Undoubtedly, I don't think I'd be the same person without the music I listen to. A collection of music so abstract that you would doubt that only one person listened to it. There always times where you just want to drown out the world, so I just plug my headphones in and turn up the volume.

3. Food. I am a sucker for sugary things, especially chocolate. There's something in them which makes you feel enlightened, and happier. But all food in general is guaranteed to make me feel happier.

4. Writing. If I am bored, or really upset then I put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, and write it out. As long as I can get it out of my system, then I will be fine. I just need to distract myself.

5. Fiction. Nothing even comes close to another world where anything can happen. I love being able to drown myself in fiction, a good novel that truly sucks you into the story line.

6. My friends. These guys are what keep me sane. I honestly don't know how they cope with me, but whatever they do seems to make me happier. Maybe it's the fact that we can rant and gossip over everything at anytime.

7. My bed. There's something comforting about lying in a cosy area surrounded by warmth. I love my bed, and I usually spend my life there - even if I'm not sleeping.

8. Band members. I don't really think I need to extend on this. They just make me happy.

9. Art. I absolutely love artwork. Everything about it just infatuates me. My room is full of poster cards of master pieces: The Birth of Venus, The Sistine Chapel and Ophelia to name a few. Even though I can't draw at all, there's something calming about it which I love.

10. My readers. You guys make me the happiest. I know that whenever I'm down, or if I'm crying, that all I have to do is come on here and I am reminded again of how much you are. You read my books and like them, and I can never say thank you enough!

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