Chapter 4

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Since they wanted me to tag them when this chapter was gonna be out so here you go :)

"Dream. Dream. Get up!" Puffy yelled at her son that was still trying get up from the floor

"I'm sorry, Mama" Dream sighed before looked at his mother "Do not make it worse by apologizing! A member man never apologizes! Never!"

Minx just glaring her crochet "Ever." The blonde looked at his grandmother "If being a bullfighter means killing the bull...
Well, then, I'm no bullfighter."

Puffy just rolled her eyes at her son in disappointment "No. You are no member." With that Puffy walked away from her son while rolling Minx's wheelchair

Dream sighed before he saw a rose on the floor before picking it up to look how people threw the roses before they started booing for not killing the bull

"Victory!" The fire god starts laughing at his husband and the keeper just shook his head before looking back at the blond "That poor kid never had a chance, my dear. Good game, though."

The keeper just smirked before looking at his husband again which had his hand out "It's not over." The fire god looked at the keeper confused before seeing the blonde has his guitar in hand

"George" Dream sighed before looking for the rose on his guitar he placed for a placement to remind himself to just enjoy the rose being

Play this song^^ Or watch it on yt or idk even know :')

"When you were here before" the blonde slowly singing before playing the strings "Couldn't look you in the eye" Dream contained playing the strings "You're just like an angel"

Dream sang not knowing someone coming somewhere to watching him "Your skin makes me cry. But I'm a creep" the blonde started playing the strings loudly "I'm a weirdo. What am I doing here? I don't belong here I don't belong"

"Dream" George sighed as he felt bad for his best friend not being accepted for not being bull fighter when the brunet knew the blonde hated killing bull "George!" He heard his Wilbur shout before walking back

Dream looked at rose before looking where Wilbur,George, and Sam were sitting which he didn't expect George to watch him sing in reflect his emotions 

"What just happened?" The fire god was confused what was that like it just happened before he turned to his husband known as the keeper "You don't know men, my love." The keeper grinned before giving a kiss on thre cheek on the fire god's cheek (when their a gay couple😍👍🏼)


"That night, General Sam threw a grand party to welcome George back. But, you see, he had bigger plans."

Sam chuckled before he lifted his wine cup filled with wine "To Wilbur!" Everyone cheered  to Wilbur which just grinned  "A great hero! Too bad you're just in town for a few days."

Sam lean forward to  George "If only there were something that would make you a special boy. George?" Which pissed the brunet "Papa!"

"What? What I say?" Making George more mad at his father that was annoying him when he started chuckling  "Oh, my father. It's so wonderful to see you again, Wilbur.

George noticed that Wilbur grew out a mustache when he remembers how he used fake one when they were younger "Look at that mustache. And all those medals. What's this one for?" The brunet pointed to the red orange medal

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