"Hate to break this up, but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office." Moody interjected, causing all of us to look in the opposite direction. I let out a sigh as I started to stand. "No. Just Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley." He told Harry and I, causing us to sit back down in our chairs.

"But sir, the second task is only hours away and-"

"Exactly. And Potter and Prince can use all the rest they can get. They need a good night's sleep." He interrupted Hermione quickly. What a git. "Go. Now!" He shooed the two away. Harry and I let out a long sigh before I started helping him clear the books off of the table.

"Longbottom! Why don't you help these two put their books back?" He yelled. Neville appeared around a corner, making both Harry and I groan quietly.

"You still look cute by the way." Harry whispered as he started tucking parchment back in the books. My brows furrowed as he had my full attention now. "I know the deranged and struggling look isn't one you typically carry considering you never struggle in any subject," he chuckled, "but you look cute in your little sweatsuit." He mumbled before Neville had reached us. "The hair could use some work though." He added on as he pretended to make a look of fright.

"Like yours is any better?" I poked back, managing to get myself to laugh, too. I ruffled my hand through his messy locks, causing him to lean away from my hand with a smile.

"I know you love it. Plus, we match." He beamed, looking down at the plain grey hoodies that we both wore.

"You know, if either of you are interested in plants, you'd be better off with Goshawk's Guide to Herbology." Neville interrupted us, causing Harry to roll his eyes slightly before he turned around. "Did you know there's a wizard in Nepal who's growing gravity resistant trees?" He informed both of us with a smile. I just smiled back, but didn't give an answer.

"Neville, no offense, but I really don't care about plants." Harry snapped. Now I was really amused. I had witnessed Harry bark at two of his friends, and each word he had spoken to me came out so sweetly and calm. "Now if there's a Tibetan Turnip that will allow both of us to breath underwater for an hour, then great." Harry huffed slamming the book shut. "But otherwise-"

"I don't know about a turnip, but you could try Gillyweed." Neville said, causing my eyes to widen as I put a hand on Harry's knee under the table. My eyes met his as he looked just as intrigued.

"I'm down if you are." I said all at once. His cheeks filled with color as his eyes scanned my face. His fingers brushed against mine on his knee as he looked at my lips and nodded his head.

"I haven't seen Draco all morning, I'm starting to worry." I told Harry frantically as we approached the dock. He tilted his head and looked at me with a small grin.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere. Besides, I haven't seen Hermione or Ron since they went to McGonagall's office, so I don't think you're the only one being ignored." He sighed with irritation. "Are you sure about this, Neville?" Harry asked as he split the pile of gillyweed between the two of us.

"Oh, absolutely." Neville brushed us off.

"For an hour?" I asked for confirmation.

"Most likely." Neville shrugged. I looked at Harry with wide eyes.

"Most likely?" Harry questioned. Neville started to grow nervous.

"Well, there is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of fresh water versus saltwater, but-"

"You're telling us this now?!" I hissed quietly, looking between the two boys frantically. Harry looked just as conflicted as I was. "Oh, Merlin, I'm going to drown out there aren't I?!" I started to panic.

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