Jihyo didn't say anything immediately, and
Jeongyeon didn't need to see her to know that she was frowning. Out of all of her friends, Jihyo was the closest to her. They shared a similar background, and through struggle had grown up strong together. It touched Jeongyeon, to know that Jihyo cared so much. Almost enough to make her want to go back. Almost.

"The shop is fine. Sana is on her second week
of training, but she's learning the layout of the
shop. She is exceptional with sales, so we are
trading in positive figures."

"And our target?"

"If Sana keeps upselling the way she is, we'll
make target and more."

Jeongyeon cracked a tiny smile. "That's good. I'm glad. I hope Bangchan is treating her well."

Jihyo snickered. "Actually, I think we've only
created a monster. He and Sana are like best
friends now."

"That's good. Really good."

She reached a dam and crept up to the edge of the grass. A family of ducks floated by, creating ringlets of water that spread out from their oval bodies. Jeongyeon watched them and lazily kicked some rocks into the water, scaring the ducks away. She sighed.

"When are you coming back?" Jihyo asked.

Jeongyeon tilted her head back and stared up into the trees above her. "When I feel like it. Not yet."


"I don't know."

"Okay. Just stay safe. And don't do anything
stupid, please. You're still married."

Jeongyeon furrowed her brows. "You're being a mom again."

Jihyo laughed. "You're the sort of friend that
needs a legion of moms, Jeongyeon. Just take care of yourself. Alright? I need to get back onto the floor now. Jungkook called in sick so Sana and Bangchan are alone, entertaining themselves on top of the counter." There was a sudden crash in the background. "And there we go. They broke something. Bye, Jeongyeon."

She said farewell and stuffed her phone
back into her pocket. "Still married, huh?" she
muttered to herself. "I wish it felt that way."


"Staying late again, Mrs Im?"

Nayeon startled at the sudden voice, face
lifting to stare at the open doorway. The floor
beyond her office was pitch black, evidence
that her staff had all left already. Nayeon's was the only light still on. Glancing quickly, Nayeon saw Jeongyeon standing there in her doorway, tall figure spilling shadows into her office. But it was only Dahyun, and Nayeon flushed lightly in embarrassment at herself. Her heart was suddenly beating erratically.

"I suppose I should leave," she admitted quietly.

Dahyun silently stood by the doorway as
Nayeon packed her laptop and files away, and
then joined her in the darkness. She switched
her light off and fell into step beside Dahyun.
Jeongyeon was taller, and she had a more chiselled build, but she still looked like her
minus the trademark fringe. When Dahyun
had first applied with Nayeon's company, Jeongyeon had been utterly amused and had begged her to hire the woman. Luckily for Dahyun she was more than qualified, and Nayeon had wanted to entertain Jeongyeon's sense of humour. Once, Jeongyeon had
snuck in and convinced Dahyun to let them
pretend to be each other. Nayeon's heart gave a hard squeeze and she tightened her grip on her suitcase.

"Driving home?" Dahyun asked.

Nayeon almost forgot that they were walking
together. She spared Dahyun a patient look,
lips twitching into a small smile. "Yes."

Dahyun studied her face. "Is she not home

There it was, the dreaded question. No one
had dared ask her in the week since Jeongyeon had disappeared. Gossip spread quickly in their company, and Dahyun also happened to be dating Jeongyeon's best friend, Jihyo. Nayeon wasn't certain by which source Dahyun had found out, but regardless of where, she still knew. Her gaze was filled with pity and it made Nayeon furious. It wasn't fair to take her anger out on Dahyun, though, so Nayeon bottled all her emotions up and kept her face void.

"No. I'm sure when she does come back, you'll
be the first to know from Jihyo." Dahyun's face creased in deeper concern.

"You don't honestly think she would come to us before you?"

Nayeon pulled her keys out and pushed the
unlock button for her car. "She left," she said
plainly. "What more do I need to say?" Her car
door opened automatically and she set her
suitcase and laptop down on the passenger
seat. Dahyun's car seemed to be parked right
beside her, but she didn't get in immediately.

"If you need anything, Bunny, let me know."

The familiar nickname made Nayeon's eyes
sting. When last had someone called her that?
When had Jeongyeon called her that? She couldn't even remember the last time she'd gone out to have dinner with their friends. Was Jeongyeon right? Had she let her work completely consume her?

"Thankuu." She gave her a very weak smile.

"Drive safely, and tell Jihyo that I say hi."
Dahyun nodded and disappeared into her

Nayeon climbed into her own, but waited
until Dahyun had long ago driven away.
There was no desire to return home. What
waited there for her? A dark house, silent rooms and an empty bed. Even when they'd barely spoke, just the knowledge that Jeongyeon lived there too had given Nayeon some measure of comfort. Before sorrow and guilt could creep into her bones, Nayeon felt a twinge of anger and latched onto it with desperation. Slowly and thickly rage burned through her veins, and then she was speeding away from Im Corp, ignoring all stop signs and red lights. Adrenalin pumped through her veins, urged her to go faster faster faster.

Nayeon drove for what felt like hours, and when she finally felt her eyes grow heavy, she slowed down to the legal speed limit and watched the flash of street lights and business signs. A few clubs were still open, spilling people and pulsing lights onto the street. She considered stopping and visiting one, but then her wedding stopping and visiting one, but then her wedding ring sparkled on her finger and her stomach
clenched tight, and Nayeon drove on. Before
she realized it, she ended up on her street.
Reluctantly she parked in her driveway, then
merely stared up at the dark, vacant house.

"I hope you find what you're looking for," she
spoke aloud. "And that it's worth ending this
marriage over."

She slipped her ring off, grabbed her bags and
headed inside. There was no way to convince
herself that her heart wasn't heavy.

I Can't Quit You |  2YEONWhere stories live. Discover now