Pt. 10

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Jada Pov - Tuesday, 11:13
I stared at the clock for the next 3 class periods. I had been waiting since the bathroom situation to finally tell Asia about it. Once the time came and the bell for lunch rang, I darted out of my third-period class. I went straight to my locker to drop off my books. I then pulled my phone out of my back pocket to text Asia to meet me in the cafeteria. I sent the message and headed straight there.

I found an open table with about 5 seats around it. Once I sat down, I darted my eyes left and right around the cafeteria looking for Asia. I spotted her in the line getting her lunch. Food wasn't really on my mind at the moment. Christian was. The bathroom situation was too of course, but it all had to do with Christian. I thought about him a lot over the past 2 days. I know we're just friends, but he makes me feel amazing. I'd love to make something of this.

     Asia then speed walked over to the table with her lunch. She slammed her tray down and sat immediately. "What is it?" She had a serious look on her face. "Who do I have to kill?" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "No one I hope." She cocked her head to the side. "Girl I was joking but not anymore, what's going on?"

     I rubbed my hands together and looked up at her. "I think I almost got in a fight today." She scrunched her face up at me and sat up straight. "With who?" I shook my head. "I don't even know. Some tall blonde. She's lucky her friend told her not to do anything. I swear I would've beat her ass."

     "Beat whose ass?" A voice behind me spoke. I turned around in my seat to find Christian and Harper looking down at me. "Sit," I told them. Christian set his tray down and sat next to me. Harper did the same but sat next to Asia. "Some girl in the bathroom earlier asked me if I knew Christian. I said hardly, and she told me to keep it that way. I wasn't going for that though, so I asked her who is she to tell me who to be friends with. Then she technically told me that if I stay away from Christian, then I won't have any problems." I finished.

I noticed Christian blushing. I nudged him with my shoulder. "What are you blushing about?" He looked at me and smiled. "You like being around me." I raised my eyebrows. "Oh really? How would you know." He laughed. "I mean you clearly wouldn't have been bothered to say anything else to that girl if you didn't like me." He had a point. I looked over at Asia to find her deep into a conversation with Harper. Great. They weren't even listening.

I looked back to Christian and rested my head on my hand. "I don't understand how you almost fought if that's all that happened." I grabbed a fry from off his tray and ate it. "She called me a bitch." Suddenly, Christian's jaw clenched. His fists balled up tightly until his knuckles became white. I lay my hand on his. "Hey hey, it's ok. Calm down I handled it." Christian looked at me as if I said something crazy.

"What the fuck Jada?" He spat. I was confused, did I say something wrong? "What? What did I say?" He rubbed his temples. "What does she look like?" I swallowed. I wanted to hope that Christian wasn't planning anything. "Christian." I began rubbing his hand with my thumb. His fists were still balled up. "I don't want anyone talking to you like that." I hung my head for a second.

"Listen, I understand but it's ok. Don't get upset I'm untouched." I reassured him. He became less tense. "Take a deep breath and relax. I'm a big girl, I can handle myself." He took a breath and eased up. His fists weren't balled anymore and his jaw was unclenched. He looked me in the eyes. "Can I be honest with you?" I nodded my head yes. "I don't know what it is Jada," he scratched the back of his neck. "But I can't help but feel the need to protect you."

My heart began to race. "I know it's been a very short period that we've known each other, but I like you. And I want to get to know you for real." I broke out into a cold sweat. Was he really saying all of this to me? I bit my bottom lip. "You're gorgeous as hell, you have a nice ass body, and the personality to match." I was screaming on the inside. I smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear.

Christian lifted my chin so we were looking each other in the eyes. "I appreciate that. I feel the same way. When that blonde bitch said she wanted you for herself, It pissed me off." The corners of his mouth went up. "I'm excited for Friday. I can't wait to get to know all about Jada."

"I can't wait to get to know all about Christian," I said with a smile.

Christian and I talked for the remainder of lunch about our plans for Friday. I'm anxious to get to know him, but I think it'll be a good thing. Things are looking up for me right now, and I couldn't be happier about it.

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