Pt. 2

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Christian Pov - Monday, 6:00 a.m.
"Wake the hell up!" I rolled my eyes at the sound of my mothers' voice. She banged on my bedroom door. She was drunk. She starting drinking heavily when my father died about a year ago. I love my mother, so I try my hardest to put up with her. I sat up in my bed and ran my fingers through my hair. I was exhausted, per usual. I can never get much sleep. I constantly worry about my mother and her health, so my nerves keep me up.

I got out of bed and stretched. Today I start my last first day of high school at Vermont High School. I've just transferred to this school since I was expelled from my last. I threw on some grey joggers and a plain black tee with a white tank underneath. I then took a deep breath before I left my bedroom. I went to my mothers' room to check on her. She was passed out on her bed. I was unfortunately glad. It seems the only time she can get some rest is when she's passed out from drinking.

I went to go brush my teeth and brush my hair out a bit. I left the bathroom to go into the kitchen and find something to eat, but there was nothing. Right now I'm the only one who brings in any kind of income and my mom takes advantage of that. She "drinks" up all my money up and uses it to buy useless things. I don't say anything about it though since she's never sober, she wouldn't understand. I grabbed my keys from off the kitchen counter and picked up my backpack on the way out the door.

I got in my car and grabbed my phone from out of my backpack to check the time. *6:48* I still have a while to get to school. I decided to go to the nearest gas station and get a coffee. I put on my seatbelt and began driving. I pulled into the gas station and parked at one of the pumps. I got out and walked into the station to get what I needed. I paid for my coffee and went back out to my car. I decided to sit  for a while as I drank my coffee. I got in, rolled my windows down, and took my black tee off.

I was sitting for a bit when a small black car pulled up at the pump beside me. A short girl brown skin girl got out on the driver's side. I couldn't help to notice her ass. It was looking good as hell in the jeans she wore. I guess I was starting a little too long because she was starting to approach my car.

"Um, can I help you with anything?" She looked even better up close. She had dark brown eyes and pretty full lips. I licked my lips as I looked her up and down. Lil mama looked good enough to eat. I noticed she was checking me out as well so I was flattered. It made me laugh. "What's exactly funny?" I couldn't keep my eyes off of this girl. "It's nothing" I replied. She took a small step back from the car which just let me get a full view of her. Everything about her was beautiful. "What's your name?" She then crossed her arms.

"Why do you want to know?" She lifted an eyebrow at me. I repeated the question as I  licked my lips never taking my eyes off of her. She took her phone out of her back pocket and didn't say anything to me. I chuckled to myself. "So are you going to ignore me? Or am-" I was cut off by her voice.

"Do you know me or something? I don't think we've met before. Also, why were to staring at me? Matter of fact, what's your name?" She looked at me with a straight face. I looked at her for a minute and shrugged my shoulders. She then rolled her eyes and turned around to go back to her car. She was even cute when she was mad. I laughed as she got back into her car. She had the cutest annoyed look on her face. She then drove off. Shit, hopefully she goes to Vermont.

I liked what I saw and I want to see more of it. I'm a pretty determined guy and I always get what I want, and right now, I I want her. I really don't have any reason to want to pursue her at the moment other than the fact that she's just fine as hell. It's enough for me. I got a notification on my phone from Snapchat. It was from my group chat with my 2 best friends, Mason and Harper. We've been friends since the 3rd grade. Mason graduated last year in 2020 and Harper is a senior as well as me. This is going to be Harper's first year at Vermont High too. He was a part of what happened at our last school so he got expelled as well. I was glad though, now I will know at least one person. Hopefully 2 people.

Harper: aye wya? im waiting for you in the cafeteria

Christian: im omw, i just met this fine ass girl at the gas station

Harper: what she look like??

Christian: im praying youll be able to see

Mason: is she bad fr?

Christian: hell yea

Mason: i might have to pull up to yall school and see sum👀

I laughed at the messages. I appreciate my friends. I began my drive from the gas station to school and arrived in about 10 minutes. I pulled into an empty spot and got out of the car. I started walking to the schools' main doors when I noticed I had caught a few people's eyes. It didn't matter to me though, I was only looking for one girl. I walked through the main doors and saw the office on my left. Right as I was about to walk in I noticed someone familiar walking through the doors. It was the girl from the gas station. She was talking to a girl who was about the same height as her. She had on a short burgundy dress with a jean jacket. She was fine too, but I want her friend.

I waited a few seconds before they disappeared through the hallway doors. I went to follow wherever they were going and luckily, it was to the cafeteria. The girls went and sat down at a table in the middle of the cafeteria. I spotted Harper sitting on a bench near a window on the right side of the cafeteria. I went and sat next to him as he was typing on his phone. "Did you see her?" he asked me without looking up. "I did actually. That's how I got here, I followed them." Harper looked up from his phone at me and laughed.

"What's funny?" He chuckled. "She's going to think that you're a stalker or something the way you're following her." I rolled my eyes. "I was just trying to figure out where I was going and they just so happened to lead me to where I needed to be." Harper mouthed the word "Ok" and sighed. "So where is she?" I quickly pointed over to the table where she and her friend were sitting. "The one in the white shirt." "Damn!" I looked at Harper with a serious face. "That's mine." And I meant it too. I'm going to make sure of it.

"Anyway, I'm going to go say hi." And with that, I got up from the bench and walked over to the table where the girls were sitting. I tapped on the girl from the gas station's shoulder lightly. She turned around to face me and those pretty hazel eyes met mine. She was quite small. "It's Christian," I told her. She looked over her shoulder for a second and looked back at me. "What?" "Are you still choosing to be stubborn or do you want me to tell you my name now?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes and finally told me. "Jada." She spoke so softly, it made me smile. I was so attracted to her. "It's so nice to meet you, Jada. I see you may have a little attitude problem that needs to be fixed, hmm?" She looked at me for a moment. "Boy please." She then left and her friend followed after her. I know that eventually, I won't be able to deal with that attitude, but I can put up with it for now. I went back over to Harper and told him what happened. "Yea I don't think she likes you," he said. I nudged his shoulder and told him to shut up.

We talked for about 2 more minutes until the bell rang. I pulled up my schedule on my phone to figure out where I was going after homeroom, English 12. "Shit, I'm in Algebra 2 again," Harper said as he went over his schedule. He sighed deeply. "I gotta get to homeroom, but I'll see you at lunch." "Alright," I replied. I got up from the bench and stretched for a moment. I then began navigating my way to my homeroom. Once I found the classroom I entered and sat down at one of the few available desks. I took out my phone and scrolled through Instagram for a while when I looked up and saw Jada enter the room. This was going to be a very good day.

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