Pt. 3

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Jada Pov - Monday, 8:10 a.m.
     Asia and I said our goodbyes once we left the cafeteria to head to homeroom. She had Mrs. White while I had Mr. Moore. I walked into the classroom and immediately spotted Christian. I was honestly a little excited, but nervous at the same time. I sat down at an available desk next to him and smiled. I know I can be uptight, but it's all an act. I was going to enjoy this new attention.

     "You have a gorgeous smile you know." I looked at him. "You're talking to me?" I asked. He laughed. "Who else would I be talking to?" Here I go getting butterflies in my stomach again. "Thank you," I muttered. I tried not to smile too much when I said it. I didn't want him to know I was liking this. "Let me get your number." He handed me his phone while he spoke. Why the hell not. I took it and put my number in.

     As soon as I handed it back he texted my phone, "hey". "I'm right here you know," I said to him. "Obviously. Just making sure you aren't playing with me." He smiled. I lifted an eyebrow. "You think I'd just give a fake number?" He shrugged. Mr. Moore walked into the room just as we finished our conversation. He began speaking to the class but I was too busy texting Asia to listen to what he was saying.

Jada: girl guess what!!!!

Asia💕: what is it? tell me!

Jada: I gave him my number. ngl I'm really wit this rn

Asia💕: oh my gosh! I'm so excited for you, he is fine asf too...if you get bored of him send him my way

     I laughed at the last text she sent. I guess a little too loud. "Ms. Carter, do you have anything you'd like to share with us?" Mr. Moore announced. I broke out into a cold sweat. I was embarrassed. "No" I muttered. How much longer do I have to sit in this classroom? I'm already ready to go.

Chrisitan Pov - 8:12 a.m.
     Jada sat down at a desk next to me. She smiled that pretty ass smile at me. "You have a gorgeous smile you know," I told her. "You're talking to me?" I laughed. "Who else would I be talking to?" I noticed she bit her lip a little. "Thank you," she said. She tried to hide that gorgeous smile from me, but I still noticed. I pulled out my phone and handed it to her. "Let me get your number."

     To my surprise, she took it. She put her number and gave me my phone back. I texted "hey" to make sure it wasn't a fake number. "I'm right here you know," I rolled my eyes at her. "Obviously. Just making sure it wasn't fake." I smiled trying to be corny. "You think I'd just give a fake number?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders and noticed Mr. Moore walking in the room.

     He began talking about how this would be a safe space and to come to him about any problems or concerns we had. After him talking for a while, Jada let out a loud laugh that caught everyone's attention. "Ms. Carter, do you have anything you'd like to share with us?" Mr. Moore asked looking directly at her. I could see the embarrassment she felt plastered on her face. "No." She spoke so quietly that I could barely hear and I was right next to her. "Oh, ok. I didn't think so." Once I heard Mr. Moore speak I felt something inside of me. If it were anyone else speaking to Jada in any type of way like that, it would be a problem. I don't know what it is that's making me care so much for a stranger. Like I said before, I'm a determined guy. I already called Jada mine when I first laid eyes on her.

     20 minutes had passed and the bell had rung. Finally, homeroom was over. I noticed Jada quickly grabbed her things and left the room. I got up from my desk and briskly followed after her. I caught up to her pretty easily since my legs were much longer than hers. I'm 6'3 and I'm guessing Jada was about 5'3. I noticed she was crying. "Hey, what's the matter?" I asked sounding just as concerned as I was. She stopped walking and looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

     "He embarrassed me in front of everyone in that damn classroom." Her hands began to tremble as she continued crying. "I feel like I'm going to throw up." She was having a panic attack. I grabbed her hands and lifted her to her chin to look at me. "Take a big deep breath for me, ok? You're ok I promise. I know you felt embarrassed, but I promise you no one in that room is even thinking about what Mr. Moore said to you. Teachers say unnecessary shit all the time for whatever reason." I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her. This was very abnormal behavior for me. Caring for a complete stranger like this.

     I felt her arms go around my waist as she cried onto my shirt. "It's ok, I got you," I reassured her. This went on for about 1 more minute before she took her hands away from my body. She took a step back and wiped away her tears. "You feel better?" I asked her. She nodded her head and gave me a half-smile. "You still look as beautiful as before, "I told her. She gave me a genuine smile this time. That smile. I walked her to her next class and stopped before she went into the classroom.

     "If you need anything, don't hesitate to text me, ok? Anything you need, I got you." I smiled at her as I spoke. Everything I was saying was sincere, which shocked me. She made me feel like I actually wanted to take care of her. I met her less than 2 hours ago. She nodded her head again. "Use your words when I'm talking to you.". "Yes, ok," she said. Jada went into the classroom without saying anything else, leaving me in the hallway. I was going to be late for class but that was the least of my concerns.

- 8:55 a.m.
     I started my walk to the other side of the school to get to English 12. A lot has already happened in my day and it's not even lunchtime yet. Once I finally made it to class, I walked into a room full of students. "Are you Christian?" A fair-skinned plump lady with brown curly hair and green eyes approached me. I cleared my throat. "Yea." "You're late." I chuckled. "I'm aware." She held her hand out in front of me. "What? You want something?" I heard a few students snicker after I asked the question. The woman sighed and rolled her eyes. "Your tardy slip."

     Getting a slip from the office slipped my mind. "Oh, yea I forgot about that." She walked back over to her desk and sat down. "Do not come to my class late without a slip. Go get one." I sucked my teeth and left the classroom. On my way to the office to get a slip, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a text from Jada.

Jada🤍: thank you for helping me calm down after class. I appreciate it so much. I have panic attacks quite often from even the smallest things that most people find stupid. I'm glad you were there for me <3

     I felt so good after reading what I did. I made her feel comfortable and secure. I made her feel just the way I wanted her to feel. It scares me a little. I don't like to get my feelings involved with females really. As of right now, I didn't even care. Jada seemed to be something different. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and thought about the text feeling proud. By the time I reached the office, I had almost forgotten what I was even there for. Jada was on my mind so heavily. I got my tardy slip and headed back to class. I couldn't wait for these next 2 class periods to be over. I needed to tell Harper all that had gone down already. He wouldn't believe it.

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