"You're going to tell me there hasn't been a single split second of the universe's timeline where You didn't consider Signore Piccante hot?" Elisabella narrowed her eyes.

"Signore Piccante?" Bianca all but spilled the espresso as she brought the cup to her lips.

"Yes," Elisabella nodded. "And, again, You are bothered by his new nickname and not me calling him hot. Just saying."

"What... ever," Bianca spoke too soon, scolding herself in her thoughts for it.

"Like I said, he's hot," Elisabella chuckled. "Just imagine how he'd look swimming? Your jaw practically dropped to the floor at the hospital when he changed shirts. I bet You'd react even more... feminine if You saw him swimming - or better, if he emerged from a pool, dripping in water."

"My jaw did not drop to the floor!" Bianca scolded her best friend.

"Again, Bianca Mia, You defended Your obvious reaction to Signore Piccante yet dodged denying Your reaction if You saw him swim." Ah, did that feel good to Elisabella. Grilling Bianca about her love life was something she missed doing. For too long. For far too long.

"I saw him swim! And NO, he did not impress me!" Bianca exclaimed, regretting her words immediately.

"You... saw him swim? When? Where? How long did You watch him swim?" Elisabella opened her eyes, surprised now more than before.

"His bed and breakfast is next door to my house. I have no idea if he booked the room there on purpose. But he did. He took a swim in the pool. I saw him swimming. And no, I did not watch him for long," Bianca replied in one breath.

"So I guess You did call me to thank me for my good deed," Elisabella grinned from ear to ear.

"Don't boast in Your glory yet. I can still convince him to change his mind," Bianca said, realizing she was - in fact - looking at the bed and breakfast's pool area. Directly at it.

"Bianca Mia, Signore Piccante is more of a gentleman than You give him credit for. He would not go back on his word anymore than You'd go back on Yours." Saying so, Elisabella walked to the kitchen cabinet and pulled out two cups and poured the aromatic coffee to both cups.

"You have no idea whether Signore Piccante is a gentleman or not." Bianca made her slow way back to the kitchen island and sat in one of the island barstools, taking the weight off the aching ankle. "Besides, I still need to talk to Annalisa about the workload. I can't just leave the work assignments piling up on my desk for two weeks."

"Yes, You can. Doctor's orders," Elisabella pointed out as if Bianca stood in front of her. "And worry not about Annalisa. I've already made coffee for my sister. She's on her way to the kitchen. I'm sure she will side with me on this one."

"Side with You on what?" Annalisa's poised and stoic voice, much different from Elisabella's chirpy one, announced her presence.

"Bianca sprained her ankle at the airport. She came to the hospital yesterday and I ran tests and x-rays. She needs to rest. I ordered her to take two weeks off work," Elisabella said in one breath, and passed one of the coffee cups to her sister.

"Then I do side with You," Annalisa agreed. "It's about time You lived a bit of normal life."

"I do live a normal life," Bianca replied in a sulking voice.

"As a business owner? Yes. Your private life could use a little bit more living in it," Annalisa explained with sincerity.

"And a bit of a distraction," Elisabella added, winking at her sister.

"What distraction?" Annalisa raised her eyebrows.

"Signore Piccante," Elisabella whispered.

"Who's Signore Piccante?" Annalisa raised her eyebrows higher.

"Stop calling him Signore Piccante!!!" Bianca scolded her best friend again.

"You can't stop me," Elisabella smirked, directing her gaze toward her sister. "He's the hot lawyer that will spend the next two weeks tending to Your boss's needs."

"He will?" Annalisa smirked with mischief.

"He won't. I can take care of myself. And I don't need someone to tend to my needs," Bianca said, glad to be alone in the apartment because no one saw her massaging her hurting ankle.

"Bianca Mia, there is nothing wrong with accepting a little help from time to time. If this... Signore Piccante volunteered his help, welcome it," Annalisa pointed at her.

"He did not volunteer. Your sister volunteered him for it," Bianca mocked her.

"Did he decline? No. Did he agree? Yes. That stands for something," Annalisa retorted stoically.

"Fine. But do You think You can manage the workload? There are many projects that need to be completed in the next two weeks," Bianca sighed heavily, surrendering to the idea that she may very well start packing for the drive to Alberobello.

"If memory serves me, the reason You made me second-in-command is because I am good at what I do. And we all know dependability is the best of my virtues," Annalisa advised Bianca.

"You're right. But I will call daily to check up on You and the Company," Bianca sighed again and rose from the barstool.

"I would not accept anything less than that from You," Annalisa nodded. "Leave work to me and enjoy Your time with Signore Piccante."

"For the last time, stop referring to him as Signore Piccante!" Bianca raised her voice, startled by the unexpected ring of the doorbell.

"You're expecting visitors at 7:30 in the morning?" Elisabella asked, a bit worried due to her best friend's condition.

"Maybe it's the delivery man. I am expecting a package from Turkey," Bianca said, not too convinced of it herself. She made her way down the stairs toward the front door, and opened it with a grimace as obvious as the bandage on her ankle.

"Signore Piccante, at Your service," Massimo's cocky smirk boiled Bianca's blood just as the blunt acknowledgement that he referred to himself by the nickname given to him by Elisabella turned that blood to icy-cold...

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