- Chapter 5 -

Beginne am Anfang

"I am not clumsy. You ran into me at the airport," she murmured.

"And You sprained Your ankle falling at my feet," he flashed his pearly whites.

"For the last time, I did not fall at Your feet!" She countered his words, slapping his shoulder.

"Agree to disagree," Massimo retorted and looked down to the spot where she slapped him. "If You do that again I will be inclined to accept the fact that You may actually be interested in me."

"You're too full of Yourself," she narrowed her eyebrows.

"And You're undecided," Massimo said in short as he slowed down the car, eventually parking the car in one of the open spaces along the street.

"Why did You park?" She asked, suddenly alarmed.

"I'm hungry," he advised her nonchalantly and removed the key from the ignition.

"So?" She wondered in a brooding tone.

"So, my plane landed good four hours ago. I am not a fan of Hospital cafeteria food, and I think I am entitled to a well balanced meal for my effort of putting up with You," he grimaced in the most insincere way.

"Aren't You staying at a bed and breakfast in Lido di Cincinnato?" Bianca replied, agitated.

"Yes," he agreed. "Be that as it may, the fact that You owe me is in both of our favor. Plus, I really am hungry."

"And what do I owe You for?" She turned to him and did not bother to hide her temper.

"Let me see... You owe me for dry cleaning, for the change to make the call at the airport, finally for driving You to the Hospital. But who's counting?" Massimo grinned, and exited the car without giving her a chance to respond. As such, Bianca growled at him, grit her teeth, and exited the car, pausing when she read the name of the restaurant where Massimo directed his steps.

"Osteria da Fortunata? How do You know about this place?" She asked once she caught up with him, albeit with crutches she was not fond of.

"Elisabella recommended it," he noted over his shoulder.

"And when did she do that?" Bianca inquired, surprised.

"When You took Your crutches out for a spin around the Hospital hallway," Massimo smirked but she could see no amusement in his eyes.

"You really are savage," she narrowed her eyes.

"To You? Always, Bianca Mia," he responded in a cocky way, but turned his head toward the doorway of the restaurant at the sound of a joyful Italian greeting whose pitch startled him.

"Did Elisabella tell You why she recommended this place?" Bianca asked, and realized at once that her best friend really did have her back, and the man who ruined her perfectly planned day was going to get a taste of his own savage medicine.

"No, why?" Massimo looked back at Bianca, but did not receive a response from her. Instead, he was startled by a set of rather strong arms that wrapped around his waist, squeezing him in an embrace he was most definitely not ready for.

"I cannot believe Elisabella was telling the truth for a change!" A woman of quite feminine and fragile posture exclaimed at the top of her lungs in a chirpy voice that startled Massimo as much as the strength of the arms wrapped around him.

"Hi Aunt Gemma!" Bianca greeted the woman with a loving smile Massimo did not expect. He paused to look at her, but caught his breath as the woman who wrapped her arms around him squeezed him again.

"Good evening, ma'am," he inclined his head, unable to offer any other form of greeting.

"Oh, don't You ma'am me, young man!" The woman scolded him and eased away from the embrace. "Any man who is strong enough to win over Bianca's love is like family to me!"

"Oh, Aunt Gemma, You're too generous," Bianca leaned in to embrace her, smiling wickedly at Massimo out of Gemma's sight.

"Nonsense, my dear! Family is family!" The woman chirped happily and embraced Massimo again. "Please! Welcome to Osteria da Fortunata!"

"Did Elisabella tell You we would be coming?" Bianca beamed with happiness at her, and raised her eyebrows at Massimo to show him he had just been played by the presumably innocent Dottore Marino.

"Of course, she did!" Aunt Gemma snickered. "I raised my daughter right, after all."

"Yes, You did," Bianca chuckled. "I must tell You, Massimo flew all the way from the United States to see me, and he is famished."

"Then my Elisabella did the right thing to point You in my direction!" Aunt Gemma boasted about all the entrees the restaurant had to offer as she walked with them to one of the outdoor tables covered with bright yellow tablecloth. "Take Your time with the menu, but the desert is on me."

"Grazie, Aunt Gemma," Bianca offered her another sincere smile, which did not go unnoticed by Massimo.

"Thank You, ma'am," he smiled politely, albeit cautiously. 

"Call me Aunt Gemma," she hugged him tight again, pinching his arm playfully in the spot Bianca had slapped him before, and disappeared into the restaurant singing a joyful Italian tune of the song that flowed melodiously through the entire place, leaving Bianca and Massimo to themselves, though not for long...

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