✧。・// feeling like crap + being in the mood = Hugs from Annabeth//・。✧

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(Au) Percy and Annabeth in collage, just a cute little fluff to get us started. Also just a note, this is not a book about 13 year olds written for 13 year olds. I'm going to make dirty jokes and nobody can stop me.

      I lay in my bed, super bored. I currently had the flu and don't get me wrong, I love missing school, but this was different. Missing school before collage is literally the best. No homework, you can play video games all day long, and eat crap. Plus a little sympathy from your mom. Being sick in Collage, however, is just about how close you can get to Tartarus on earth. You're missing classes which means you're also loosing money, you can't see any of your friends without repercussions, and you're not even sleeping in your own bed. It. Sucks.
      The air in my dorm was stuffy and hot. My roommate was out, and Annabeth said she would be here and hour ago. Because of the fever that was burning it's way through my body, I wasn't really sure if that much time had actually passed. Tired and hungry, I picked up my phone to call Annabeth. She was terrible at picking up her phone. Now that we had these demigod safe phones, I took every opportunity to use them, but I guess Annabeth thought herself better of it. The phone rang a couple of times before she picked up.
      "Percy? I'm so sorry! A professor stoped me on my way to your dorm and I got caught up in conversation. How are you holding up?" Even if I had been with Annabeth since I was 16, even hearing her voice could still make me flustered.
      I said something super scholar-ish like "erm uh not great." I took a moment to gather my wits. "When do you think you'll be here?"
      "I'm entering your hallway right now. I lost my key, would you mind opening the door for me?" I shot up out of bed as soon as she said 'would'.
      "Sure thing babe. Thanks for coming over." I know Annabeth hates it when I give her pet names, but I still enjoy it from time to time. Sometimes, I'll catch her blushing after I've said something stupid, and it's the best thing ever.
      "I'm gonna hang up now. See you soon Seaweed brain." Even if she said maybe three sentences, I could already feel my body forcing it's self to get better. After a few minutes, I heard the knocking of Annabeth's fist on the door. Not even a second had passed after opening the door before Annabeth had her arms around me.
      She was wearing something really spectacular. Her tumbling curls tied up neatly in a ponytail. She wore simple jewelry. A suit I had never seen before hugged her body with bright blue shoes on her feet. Probably just something for a job interview, but I was still amazed. I really wanted to think the blue shoes were a little homage to me and my mother, but maybe she just likes blue. Me and my Mom had this running joke where all of the food she made was blue. We still held on to it.
      "Why so dressed up?" My voice sounded awful. I hadn't come in contact with another person in days so obviously, my voice was out of practice.
      " I had a very important meeting at Olympus today regarding my architect Future." As she said the words, I smiled. Something about the way she said "Architect Future" was just really funny.
      "That sounds incrediblely lame, wise girl." I wrapped my hands around her waist. She was still very light, but muscler. After the numerous and ongoing encounters with things that wanted to eat us, Annabeth thought it best to stay in shape, even when she wasn't fighting for her life.
      "So what if it is?" She seemed to give in to my cringe flirting for just a second, then realized what she came for. "Are you even sick? You look fine to me."
      "If I say yes, will you have sex with me?"
      "No what the fuck is wrong with you?" She shoved me playfully. Even if she thought she was hiding it, I could see her smile.
      "Oh so you're saying you don't want to have sex with me." No comment, but I did see a little tug at the corner of her mouth.
      "N-" I cut her off.
      "No?! Okay then it's settled!" I made a little cheering movement. "Annabeth is not grossed out, Percy is in luck."
      " You are disgusting and I am revolted by you. You're probably just in heat or something from your fever. Go lay down I'll make you some tea." She smiled, but there was an obvious mask that she was uncomfortable.
      "You have to admit, I was Lowkey smooth with that." I paused "But you also have to admit you knew I was joking." I gave her a look that said "I'm sorry" but also simultaneously said "I feel like crap, don't be mad babe". Annabeth forgot about the tea and walked over to the bed. The air lost it's stuffy-ness and turned sweet. Obviously, she wasn't in that kind of mood, but we both needed company. We also both wanted to provide said company to one another.
      After placing my body carefully next to hers and looking deep into her storm filled eyes, she finally moved. Annabeth's well manicured hand rested gingerly on my face. Her thumb stroked my cheek, tracing my facial features. My eyebrows, nose, lips were all met with the sweet touch of Annabeth's hand. I held my breath when looking at her, not wanting to ruin the moment.
      I reached to unbutton the blazer sitting on her body. She moved away and gave me a weary look. "No sweetheart..I'm not." Relaxed, she let me take off her jacket and wrapped her bare arms around me.
      Every atom in my body stopped working as they always do when I have a closely intimate moment with my girlfriend. Weather it's Sexual,Gentle, or merely verbal, my body always goes into freak out mode when her focus is solely on me.
      After a while, I fell asleep there in her warm arms, and for the first time in a long time, I had no dreams. Just pure bliss and sleep next to the love of my life.

Sorry this took 97 years to write, but I think it's one of the best pieces I ever written. Hope you enjoyed and maybe I'll get better at updating 😭


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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✧。・//PERCABETH ONE SHOTS//・。✧Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ