The Town of Secrets (2)

Start from the beginning

And if it really did happen, then the words from the merchant yesterday may also be... Real.

It sounded like a warning.

My heart drummed loudly in my chest. I'm not crazy.

I looked at the heavy rain, feeling a turmoil brewing in my thoughts. In the end, my resolve to discover the truth won over my concerns as I pulled my sleeves back down to cover the bruise. Azrael is gone, so I will have to go alone. I have to admit, however, the idea of him following me around to look for the merchant for my quest to prove my sanity isn't quite ideal. His absence is perfect. As long as I don't poke myself into alleyways...

I stood up, snatching my cloak, and wearing it hapazardly before going out.

And I know I reminded myself not to go into alleyways, but what to do if it's the direction some beggar pointed me to go to? And I know, I know that it didn't exactly come from a reputable source, but no one other than an old half crazy beggar would give me any answer. Even with a bribe, I daresay.

I hurried to look for a W. H. Inscription in wrought iron metal from the eerie dark alley. Is there really a store in such a scary place? I couldn't help but wonder. Oh god. Had I been stupid to listen to the words of a half insane stranger? The answer was becoming painstakingly obvious as I went deeper into the empty pathway.

Water splashed with every step I took, and I felt the edge of my skirt and cloak grow annoyingly wet from the scum. God knows what kind of dirt the street water has accumulated with the heavy rain pouring down on every corner of this town. Disgust wrinkled my face as I heard the rats squeaking and scurrying to escape the sewers from getting drowned.

I should focus on looking for the signage.

W. H.... W. H. - I stopped, shocked, when I finally saw it. The signage! It was barely hanging, but it's there! I shuffled to go under the small portico, a safe haven from the unrelenting rain. Quickly, I knocked on the door. She should be home. Who's stupid enough to get out of their house in this weather?

Me, apparently... I couldn't help answering with a grunt as I closed my umbrella. It was a courtesy from the manager of the inn we were staying in after a long debate of whether he should let a young woman go out into the streets without an escort. Especially in this kind of weather as he had enunciated at least three times.

The door opened in full swing and I was once again face to face with the veiled merchant.

"My... The young miss from the festival..."

I smiled at her sheepishly. "Good afternoon, madam."

She hummed, as if half amused, half surprised.

"...Come in then. I could use some company." She offered a smile as she stepped aside to let me through. "Leave the umbrella outside. Nobody would dare steal it, I promise."

I did as she said and walked in quickly, grateful for the hospitality despite my unannounced visit.

I hope the manager doesn't forget to tell Azrael about my errand when he goes back to the inn.

"You're drenched. I can lend you some clothes while we dry yours by the fire. Would you like that?"

I looked at myself and winced, thinking about the dirty water that soaked half of my clothes. "I would very much appreciate that, please."

She turned and waved a hand, signaling me to follow her. I did so, but also took the chance to look around with curious eyes.

A wide array of jewelries, objects I've never seen before, and jars covered with cloth lined shelves after shelves, as if they were going to burst out. Others that didn't fit into the space littered the floor in disarray. I noticed even lounge chairs for customers  weren't spared as we walked further into the shop. The path was getting smaller until we reached the base of a stairway I wasn't able to see at first from the stacks of books that hid it from the entrance.

"You can sit anywhere while you wait for me in that room." She pointed a finger to our left, to a black door that was left half open.

"Oh. Thank you."

"If you find tea on the table, you can drink it."

I nodded. I absolutely will not.

She began to climb the stairs after my response, so I turned towards the door when she paused midway.

"Oh. I don't remember if I've cleaned the room. If you find it filthy, you can choose not to enter."

"I understand..." I uttered, watching as she resumed going up to the second floor. What a weird thing to say after telling someone to drink tea from the same room.

Because of her warning, I expected it to be as untidy as the store, but I was surprised to see a greenhouse made of glass, thriving with different plant species of all kinds. And at the center was a tea table I was oddly drawn to.

Suddenly, I felt thirsty. And before I could stop myself, I walked towards it, and took a sip of it despite my initial protest. Bitter. It was so bitter in fact that I was able to snap out of whatever trance I was in. What kind of tea is it? It looks so delicious, with a slight tinge of pink, as if it was a magical concoction by the gods. The taste, however... I grimaced as I put the cup down.

Am I gonna die now?


A/N: Would you go in?

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