Chapter 37: Let go

Start from the beginning

It felt like hours and I couldn't stop silently crying. I lost my world. I lost my everything.

The doctors came out and came up to me. "Damion. We need to talk." I saw his face and he had a guilty expression.

I got up and looked at him waiting for him to talk. "Look she's stable now but...maybe it's time to consider another option." I looked at him like he was crazy. "No." I shoved past him and went into her room.

After thinking for a really long time, I wondered am I just keeping her alive for my own selfishness? Am I making her stay alive?

I was holding her hand when I felt a light finger move. My imagination is getting really crazy these days.

After a few minutes I felt another finger move but this time I wrapped around mine. I looked up at her with wide eyes. I swear if this is just a dream I'm going to shoot myself.

After feeling nothing for 2 more hours I decided to get some sleep. I fell asleep while holding her hand.

Arias pov🦋

I opened my eyes to be meet a pure white room. Am I dead?

I started walking around to see nothing but a door. I opened the door and was meet with woods.

I walked into the woods and turned around only to see that the room was gone. I started walking into the woods more when I saw a small light.

I walked towards a small cabin place and knocked on the door. "Hello? Is anyone home?" I yelled out knocking again.

The door opened and my heart stopped. "Mama?" I asked in a shaky voice. A woman who looked exactly like my mother opened the door and smiled at me.

"Hey Aria, you look so grown up now." She said as I ran to her with open arms. I hugged her and felt the same warmth as when I last hugged her.

She pulled away and looked at me. "You shouldn't be ari. You should be with Damion." She smiled softly at me and I saw the tears in her eyes.

I shook my head and pulled her into me. "No, I'm not leaving you again." She softly patted my head and once again pulled away.

I looked at her and she smiled once again. "I want to show you something." She touched my hand and suddenly we were in a hospital room.

I looked over to see mama by my bed side. I looked at myself and gasped. "I know baby. It's hard. But look around, look at the effect you have on people.

I looked around and saw Alfonso by the door with tears rolling down his face and Grey with helpless eyes.

My eyes traveled down to see Damion holding my hand. I felt my finger twitch and he looked at me like he was going crazy.

"I'm right here bubs." I whispered coming closer to him, mama looked at me in sadness. "He needs a lot more than i do. It's not your time. And when it is you will come back to me I promise." She said putting a hand on my shoulder.

I looked down and slowly brought my hand up. I placed it on Damions shoulder and he snap his head back and I almost forgot he couldn't see me.

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