Chapter 9: Do you want to leave?

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Arias pov🦋

I woke up to pain coursing through my body, my ribs hurt so bad. My head is pounding. I finally opened my eyes only to close them again due to the light coming through the window. Once I slowly got use to the light I lifted my heavy eyelids. The harsh reality smacked me in the face causing me to shoot up quickly, groaning in pain.

I need to get out of here! Ryan should be at the house by now. And if he knows I'm gone, I'm going to literally be dead. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, it's so loud.

A soft hand moved over my hand causing me to look down only to see Damion still asleep against my hand. I felt bad for almost waking him up but I need to go..NOW!

"Damion, Damion!" I tried whispering, this man only grunted and moved his head to my leg.

"Two more hours" he mumbled into my leg. I wish I could stay here forever but I really can't. "Damion I have to go, please wake up." I said massaging his head trying to move his head away from the bruise on my leg.

He slowly lifted his head, grumbling about me staying forever. Yeah like that would never happen. "Can you take me back home?" I asked in a small voice, being cautious of him.

"After breakfast." He said reaching his hand towards me.

After 10 minutes of trying to get out of the bed, Damion led me towards what I'm guessing the kitchen.

My jaw dropped seeing the huge kitchen that sits in front of me. The white and black mixed well, adding more perfection to this house.

After I was done standing there in awe , I turned to see Damion grabbing some cereal and milk.

While we were eating in the dining room, two men walked in one with light brown skin that looked about 6'0, he had light brown eyes and dark brown long curly hair.

The other man had slightly darker skin compared to the first man, he had a big gorgeous Afro that stood tall, it looked so soft. He had a beautiful well sculptured face, with dark brown eyes, he stood at around 6'1.

The first man spoke in a deep Indian accent, "hello, I'm Grey, it's nice to finally meet you." I just slowly looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

"Aria." I whispered not wanting to be too loud.

"I'm Alfonso, nice to finally meet the women who has my capo whipped already." Alfonso said making my face heat up. He started sitting down at the end of the table.

After we all ate breakfast, I could only eat 5-7 bites, but Damion said it was a good start and that he was proud of me.

The whole time we were eating I sat on Damions left side, I tried moving over when Grey was trying to take a seat but Damion just told me to stay in the seat.

We were all in the kitchen, I was washing our dishes while they talked. Damion told me not to clean but I felt bad so I argued with him to just let me do them, he finally let me do it grumbling about me being stubborn.

"So, Aria when is this man letting you go?" Alfonso asked me, smirking at Damion who was glaring at him.

"I was actually thinking in the next minute or so, if that's okay with him." I said quietly not wanting to piss them off, they were all really buff and could break me like a twig.

Damion look at me and pulled me to his side. I have shivers down my spine due to the closeness.

He bent his head down while the others left the kitchen giving him a knowing look. I felt his breath on my neck next to my ear, making me shiver slightly.

His angel her devilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें