Chapter 11: Hug

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Arias pov🦋

He..hugged just grabbed me and hugged me. Did I like it...yes. Did I know that it was only a friend thing...yes. And did that make me sad knowing I still have to go back to the house...also yes.

I was so at lost for words so I just sat there like a stick. He grabbed me and gently picked me up and over the center consul. Butterflies!

He sat me on his lap and moved the hair from my face. "Calm down, okay just take a deep breath." I did what he told me to do, and took three deep breath's.

"Good girl, now we are going to go inside and you are going to let me take care of you, yes?" He asked in a stern, authoritative voice.

"I-I can't, I'm sorry" I felt so stupid but I didn't want the next beating to be worse. He shook his head and opened the car door, he still had me in his arms.

"I can walk, you know." I said after he carried me to the front door holding me bridal style.

"No, now shh and enjoy the ride." He said looking down at me with a smirk. Gosh! Stop being so hot! I'm not good enough for you!

I just keep thinking that he's fucking with me and will soon let up on the joke. "Please take me to the house." I said looking up at him. I could see his sharp jaw get sharper, i made him mad, he is going to hurt me now.

You had one job Aria! I was going to say sorry, but he spoke and when he spoke I felt my heart stop in horror. Mama..

"I am not letting you go. No. No, You got hurt there are you crazy?! I don't want to lose you Aria! Please, just fucking stay here for the fucking night or for a year! I don't care just stay." He said each word with a stern tone.

"I didn't...I didn't get hurt there." I had to lie. I can't tell him, he will think I'm nasty. He placed me down on my feet.

He then did the unthinkable..and he hugged me again but this time tightly.

I stood there like a stick again, I haven't had a hug in a really long time. "Amore, just hug me back, please." He sounded so hurt by me not hugging back.

I soon wrapped my arms around his torso, right as I got comfortable he let out a sigh of relief. Me too Damion, me too.

He pulled away after a few minutes too soon. "You don't have to tell me, not until you feel comfortable but just let me clean you up." He spoke in a soft and gentle voice.

I nodded and he grabbed my fat hand in his warm large hand, and lead me upstairs.

He finally stopped at a oak door, I tried to let go of his hands a few times but he would just glare at me and hold on tighter.

He opened the door and my mouth dropped. It was gorgeous! It was all black and a few gold touches here and there with a big painting of a sunset.

"Its my room, I don't think you would want a doctor to see you, right?" He asked turning his head down to see me.

Once he looked at me he chuckled deeply, "close your mouth principessa." He said smirking, i quickly shut my mouth. Gosh that was awkward!

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