╌ 🍥 ꒱꒱✦ chapter 23

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cindy trudged her way towards the door to have a chat with thais. after all, who else is going to pay the goddamn rent in this household?

"hey thaisy! what are we talking about here?" cindy clapped her hands in joy as she slid a chair back to sit down on. thais mindlessly looked down at the dinner table.

"ehh, i told you i was going to bustle on the streets as a rapper," thais replied, she looked up at cindy with expectant eyes. cindy chuckled slightly.

"you areeee joking right?" she slurred the word, exaggerating it.

"i literally rapped for you, what makes you think that i wouldn't be lying. im going to be famous just watch!"

"you do you i guess," cindy contemplated. was this even going to get her the minimum money they needed to pay the rent?

thais was overjoyed. she could finally live her dreams, thanks to a stable household and an approving friend.

"i'm actually going to be surprised if you earn a lot of money on your first day,"
"i probably won't," thais cackled. although, cindy gave her thais the benefit of the doubt.

"is that all you've got?" cindy raised her non-existent eyebrow as thais was about to get up from the table. thais stared, it seemed like she had nothing else to say. cindy looked at the time on the clock that sat above a clean wall.

it was already around 4pm. it seemed like this was going to be a slow burn through time. she wanted to pace the time faster. thais had already left the room when cindy was so busy looking at the goddamn clock.

well now, she wanted to lay on the floor of her bedroom to feel the coldness that laid beneath her.

so cindy did just that, she walked to her bedroom and flopped to the wooden floor once she closed the door. her eyes fluttered until it settled and blackness slipped through.

and a long time skip occurred until the next day.

before the next day, tima sat through the whole day near the window, listening to music with her cheap earphones. (no hate <3). stirring through nothingness because she drank everything.

the workers there were quite concerned to say the least to see that a customer was still sitting at a dirty table with clattered plates and cups. the workers side-eyed each other before one stepped out of the counter and headed towards her table.

"excuse me, um," they started out nicely as tima's eyes had slowly moved towards the worker's physique before looking at their eyes.

"you've been sitting here for quite a while now and we've been concerned." the worker told tima as tima respectfully pulled her earphone out.

"mmm," she mumbled to herself. she stood up and slowly shoved the clatter of ceramics and looked at the worker.

"thank you," and she shoved her hand into her pocket and slammed the money down at the table, her mood swings got the best of her.

the poor worker stared at the paper money which seemed crumpled but nevertheless useable. the worker watched as tima left the cafe, the worker then looked at their co-worker and shrugged.

at least they were getting paid.

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