Chapter Two

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A month or two later, Hinata woke up. Kageyama, Yachi, his mother, and Natsu were relieved. God did they miss their little ball of sunshine. "Please God, don't make big brother have to stay in the hospital again for another night, please let him out today." Natsu prayed, she didn't have any interest in God at all, although her mother believes in him and she's so young, but she doesn't care. "Oh look Natsu, God answered your wish! Shoyo's last check up is today! Then he's coming right back home!" Ms. Hinata exclaimed happily in reassurance for Natsu. "Yay! Big brother! Big brother!" Natsu jumped up and down, yelling and cheering in joy. She was so happy that Hinata was coming out today. Even Kageyama and Yachi were. They were on their way already after they received the call from Ms. Hinata.

"Hey, guys!" Hinata greeted Kageyama and Yachi, they were there before his mother and Natsu. He had a happy smile on his face and a scar above his eyebrow where the gash had been from the "accident." He waved and was getting a checkup when they walked in, so they'd be standing there for a little while. Kageyama was happy to see him, so was Yachi. Tsukishima didn't have Hinata's number so he didn't get contacted, but he saw posts online by Hinata talking about how he was so happy that he was getting out today, and his friends posting about it saying the same. He was honestly grateful and very happy about it, he may or may not have had a small crush on Hinata since he saw him, but that's besides the point. He was grinning happily while texting Yamaguchi about how Hinata was finally okay and made a recovery. Hinata finally woke up, and that's about all that mattered. Kageyama was happy for Hinata and so was Yachi, although they both were happy that he woke up, but in a different kind of way.

You see, Yachi's happiness of Hinata waking up, she was SO happy that her best friend had woken up. She was excited to see him up, outside, playing at the park, everything! She was so joyful that he'd finally woke up. Now, for Kageyama, he wanted to snuggle him, hold him close and dearly. He wanted to feel the warmth from Hinata, showing he was alive and awake. He wanted to even kiss him! Wait- kiss?! Yes. Kiss. He didn't even want to restrain himself, but he knew that he had to or else he could mess up their friendship. He tried so hard to restrain himself, thank God it worked. But yes, he does like Hinata as if he was his boyfriend, as if they were together. Where, Yachi just loved him as a friend and just liked him as a friend himself. Finally, Natsu and Ms. Hinata showed up. Kageyama was thankful that they showed up. He really didn't want to go out of control and kiss Hinata. He knew that it could ruin their friendship.

Hinata had finally gotten well, finally gotten better. He was finally awake from his sweet but painful slumber. Tsukishima was relieved that it was only minor and not life threatening. Although, all of this did not stop him from criticizing and mimicking Hinata's height. Yes, he was happy that Hinata was finally the way he was before but that didn't stop him from being a dick towards him. He's the same exact way with everybody else. Except he's a bit less mean to Yamaguchi and just tells him to shut up from time to time. Honestly, their friendship dialogue is just "shut up Yamaguchi'', "Gomen Tsukki!" Tsukishima didn't really mind or care about it though. Hinata was a different story than Yamaguchi, but sort of the same as everyone else's. Well, except the fact that since Tsukishima has a crush on him, he's a bit meaner to him than everybody else. But who cares? Right? Well, not Tsukishima, that's for sure. Kageyama cared, Yachi cared, but everyone else grew into it except those two AND Hinata. Daichi would just mind it as, "Oh, Tsukishima's just being his normal self." Or Sugawara-San would say, "Don't be mean." But still, not, care.

Tsukishima was making his way out of his bedroom while on the phone with Yamaguchi. He told him, "I'm gonna go to the hospital to see if everyone's right or if he didn't actually wake up." Tsukishima explained to Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi said alright and continued on, doing his homework. Once Tsukishima got there, he saw that everybody was outside of the room, which meant Hinata was changing, or well, he believed so. Tsukishima waited a bit and although getting remarks and insults from Kageyama, continued on to peek into the window.

Hinata opened the door once Tsukishima looked away. He didn't know he was there, well he did, but didn't know who it was that was peeking in. He looked up and saw the 6'2" giant right in front of him, shadowing his whole body, shielding him from the whole sun. He was surprised. seeing the lightly tanned, blonde man standing before him. "Holy.." Hinata mumbled the curse to himself. He was so surprised that all he could do was stand there, frozen. Eyes wide, frozen in place, hurting. Hinata backed up, and could barely breathe. He was having a panic attack. Body stone cold, not moving, a statue, Hinata was. Tsukishima just walked towards him, Kageyama was mumbling curse words but knew not to flip out, he already had lots of warnings. From everywhere, even the hospital. Hinata was terrified, the only parts moving were his quivering lip and shaking eyelids. Tsukishima has never seen him in this terrified state before. He just kept walking closer, and closer, and closer. It didn't help how Hinata felt, it made it worse.

Every step felt like hell. It didn't hurt, but it was like being afraid. Feeling like you're about to get killed by some massive giant who is charming but terrifying. Hinata's knees felt like buckling, shaking in fear, he stepped back whenever Tsukishima stepped forward. This hurt Tsukishima too, emotionally. He couldn't stand that Hinata was so scared, but he couldn't stand being away from him at a time like this. He could stand being away from his teammate, his crush, who's just gotten out of a coma, and soon the hospital. He was so upset in himself, but he didn't show it out of pride. Nobody likes pride, well some do, but there's a fine line between pride in yourself and pride when defending yourself from not saying sorry. That's pride and cocky pride, Tsukishima had cocky pride, and he didn't like it. Tsukishima hated that he felt like this. He hated making Hinata feel like this. He hated all of it. He couldn't stand himself sometimes, but he just can't stand saying sorry. Yeah, maybe Kageyama doesn't say sorry sometimes, but Kageyama actually does say sorry when he knows that the other deserves it.

"Hinata" Tsukishima said, asking for Hinataq's attention. Hinata didn't answer, instead, he looked away from him. He was scared that he might anger him, but he wasn't going to talk to somebody who just called him short all day, he's standing his ground. At this point, Kageyama and Yachi were just frozen out of the door, Tsukishima was cornering and crowding Hinata, and Hinata just felt like shit. Nobody did anything, they just sat there and never spoke a word. A pin could drop and that'd be the only sound in that section of the hospital. 



A baby started crying, everybody jumped in surprise, especially Hinata. "Shoyo, brother Shoyo" Natsu whined for her brother's attention, pulling at his arm. "Can we go home? I really want to eat some McDonalds please!" Hinata smiled and nodded in agreement, Ms. Hinata holding their hands happily. Tsukishima just backed out and walked out of the hospital, nobody was going to stop him or ask him why, they just let him. Kageyama and Yachi walked in, asking if they could come as well. Ms. Hinata didn't mind it very much and just allowed it. They all later went to McDonalds and ate together, as a family.

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