Chapter 11. New Ship

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Zaina pranced inside, smiling like a fool and receiving bizzare looks.

"Oh my! Lady Lu really seems to be in a very good mood today. What a blessing to the eyes." A familiar irritabily charming voice snickered behind her, destroying the lovely scenes playing inside her head.

Zaina clenched her teeth, irritated. This red head always ruins the mood! "It's none of your business! Get out of my way!" She shoved him harshly.

"Wow! I didn't know that Lady Lu is this blunt with her words. Tsk. Tsk. How unlady like!" Zed said in fake surprise, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Well you do now." She rolled her eyes as she replied in her sassy tone, "Now leave me alone."

Zaina walked past him. He followed. She quickened her pace, he did the same. She slowed down, he copied. She stopped walking, completely pissed off. She turned back with an irritated forced smile. "Didn't Master Benji know that stalking a noble is a crime punishable by death?"

"Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not following you. You're just walking ahead of me." He lied perfectly with an innocent smiling face.

"Cut the crap! Now, tell me what you want from me!" She said hastily, annoyed and wanting to be done with him as soon as possible.

He grinned wider. "You know me so well"

"Then, I'll come straight to the point, why do you stop chasing Him?" He suddenly became serious. "Aren't you obsessed with him?"

Zaina gulped internally. "Well, yes, I was madly in love with him." She took a minute to clear her throat. "But that was before. Now I have move on." She said decidedly.

"Can I ask why?" He arched his brow in curiosity.

"Well." She sighed, it was the time to release the hidden talent inside her. "Back then, I was young and naive. I didn't even know the true meaning of love. I thought that as long as I continue to pursue him, he would return my feelings someday. But now, I have realise that my feelings will forever remain unrequited. So, I have decided to move on."

She had a small smile on her lips as she said the ending, appearing as if she was hiding her grievances behind the sad smile. The breeze blew just in the right time, swaying her hair gently and giving the perfect background effect. She turned and walked away elegantly, leaving a dazed Zed behind.

Ha ha ha ha! Completely nailed it! All those countless nights of watching dramas and animes finally paid off! Zaina smirked triumphantly to herself. But she was not aware of the person behind the wall, who was silently listening to her sorrowful words.


It was the lunchbreak. Zaina was in the resting chamber with April which was exclusively set apart for the higher nobles and richer sections of the society. She was sprawled on the luxurious sofa with a bunch of novels while stuffing herself with deserts.

"Zaina!" April who was seating on the opposite sofa called, she have grown accustomed to talking casually to Zaina since Zaina told her to address her by her name only.

"Hm?" Zaina replied, her eyes still fixed on the gilded pages.

"I forgot to tell you! It's about Master Alejandro and Master Benji."

Zaina perked up her head, alarmed. "What happened between them?"

"I heard this morning that Master Alejandro and Master Benji got into a fight." She knitted her eyebrows as she narrated in a way like it was something very very serious.

"Really?? How? Why?" Zaina dropped her book on the table as she focused her attention fully on April.

"Well, I don't know about other details but I heard that Master Alejandro seemed to be very furious with Master Benji about something."

She knitted her brows more intensely as she tried using her little brain."But it's so strange since Master Alejandro is always so sophisticated and composed and rarely ever get angry. So I think it's something very grave And also..."

April scrurried closer to her like she was going to reveal a great secret and whispered in her most secretive tone. "I heard that Master Alejandro pinned Master Benji by his collar to a wall and their faces even barely touched!"

"NO WAY!" Zaina gaped her mouth as she took in this shocking piece of information.

April nodded furiously. "Yes, its true!"

Kabedon! It's a kabedon! Come to think of it... Yes! I saw the two talking when I was playing in the garden with Mercy yesterday... and today that red head ask me....Wait! He was so curious! Don't tell me...! OMG! OMG! Why didn't I think of that before! They are the perfect couple! Cold and sophiscated top with lethal charms and an equally attractive rebellious bottom! OMG! Finally something interesting happened!

Zaina suddenly paused her mad frenzy when a thought crossed her mind. Wait a minute. Then what will happen to the female lead? She frowned.

"Zaina! Zaina!" April was desperately shaking her shoulders as she got too much absored in her own world of thoughts.

"Uh! Huh? What happened?" She finally came to her senses.

"Did you not hear the bell just now? Break time is over. Let's go to class or we will be late." April tugged her arms and pulled her towards the long corridor to their classroom, nagging a bit.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down!" Zaina laughed a little as she was being pulled by April.


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