Chapter 8. Frustration

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Even before my birth, I was destined to be the heir of the Alejandro Family, a choice that I was never given a chance to choose. And I was raised as one. I was taught to be fearless and flawless, to be always perfect in every way. I was not allowed to shed tears even on the death of the only person whom I hold dear. Nobody cared about what I wanted. Everyone is too busy frolicking around the future heir that they forlorned the little boy inside him.

I was ten when I met her for the first time. On that day, she was a complete brat and kept fussing over little things. Her mindless tactics and inappropriate behaviours despite being the lone daughter of a affluent family made me loathe her from that moment onwards. But what made me despise her to the core was the fact that she was similar with everyone else.

I was stunned for a minute but then I realised she was just pretending when she declared that she was no longer interested in me. I know she is desperate for my attention that she is willing to go to any length. That was the reason why I detest her so much. I know her better than anyone else, her pretense will eventually crumble after a day when I don't provide her with the attention she dreamed of.

That was what I originally thought. And I was wrong. Since that day, she ceased bothering me with her petulant actions and imprudent behaviours. Instead of running to me like before, she simply ignored me when we crossed path like I was an invisible person. It was as if she was a completely different person. I ought to be relieved, afterall that was what I wished for. But I wasn't.

Her face haunted my dreams and her words invaded my thoughts throughout the day. I tried on dissimulating her presence, in the hopes that she would magically disappear from my mind, but it proved to be useless. I found myself unable to ignore the intense and mushy feeling in my chest whenever I saw her with someone else.

My train of thoughts were interrupted when I suddenly froze, stopping death in my tracks, when I saw the unrealistic scene happening before my eyes. I was on my way to the library to return some books when I came across her playing in the garden with a kitten. Her face was soiled and her hair was messy and the uniform was covered with dirt and twigs, that was quite unlike her who could not bear even a speck of dust.

However what astonished me the most was that she beamed like she was the happiest person on earth, despite the small scratches on her hands, as she hugged the kitten close to her chest. I stared at her unknowingly, I never knew that she could smile genuinely like that, without being coquettish or arrogant. Maybe, just maybe, if she smiled like that she was not so vile, she actually looked kind of adorable.

"My my, is the cold Master Alejandro smiling just now?" Came a mocking voice from behind and I realised that I had been smiling. I glared at the lean red head who was wearing an arrogant smile. "I heard that Zady Lu admitted that she has lost interest in you?"

"Evesdropping is a bad habit that Master Benji should know." I walked past him after giving him an aloof comment.

"Well, what can I do? I happened to pass by and the topic was so interesting that I couldn't help hearing." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"So the rumours are true?" He added with a taunting smirk. "The great Master Alejandro is eventually dumped by the girl who was crazy about him."

I stopped, I was a few steps away from him. "I don't care about such trifles." I said coldly and continued walking down the corridor.

It's none of my concern if there is any rumours regarding me or not. It doesn't matter to me anyways. Right?

Then why do I feel so frustrated?

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