001. || Companion

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An exasperated sigh escaped from your mouth as you threw another drawing of your father into the mass pile of drawings. 

The room you were in was completely fine. It was much better than the rest of Nevada, but it was suffocating to be stuck in it 24/7. 

You originally stayed in your dad's office while doing paperwork, but your presence alone was distracting to him. He wasn't used to having another person be in the same room as him for more than ten minutes, so you were moved to a room significantly smaller, but large enough for you to fill out paperworks and for people to go in and out of the room. 

Then you almost died from an explosion in the kitchen, which was directly next to your room, so you were moved back to your dad's office. You and him did some bonding during your stay and just created a father-son relationship. 

At first it was nice. The both of you occasionally had some small talk about stuff and the atmosphere became less heavy. 

But then Hank and his little gang spotted you and kinda almost killed you while you were on your way to the cafeteria to eat something. 

Then your dad snapped and just locked you in some room next to the office and refused to let you out. He also had some agents guard your door just in case. 

But then some allies of Hank found your door and got curious about it since it was more highly guarded than the other doors and almost got inside until some MAG agent forced them to flee. 


The security was tripled after that, and you had to follow two rules he made up: 

1. Never leave the room 

and 2. Yell if anyone other than an agent or him comes into the room. 

This sucks. 

You were seriously bored out of your mind and lonely. 

The only source of entertainment you had was through drawing or doing paperwork, but even that was boring. Conversing with the agents outside your door was pointless as well since they always just died by the end of the week and got new replacements. 

Your drawings mainly consisted of your dad or the people on the wanted posters that surround the whole headquarter. Drawing the agents outside weren't any fun since they just all look the exact same because they're all clones. 

At least reading the paperwork was pretty fun. You fill it out for your dad while also getting new information. It's like killing two birds with one stone. 

What sucks is that you unintentionally finish them quickly and end up going back to being bored out of your mind again. 

Not knowing what else to do, you went to your bed and slept for the rest of the day. 

[Meanwhile with the Auditor] 

"Sooooo what did you call me in for?" The agent was sweating a little as thoughts ran through his mind, trying to find out why he was called in for by the boss. 

'Shit, did he find out I stole some canned corn from the chef? Or when I accidentally got an agent unconscious from my gun hitting their head when I threw it out?' 

"Agent #10023." The said agent's posture became as stiff as a block of wood. 

"I would like you to protect my son while also acting as a companion towards them." He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. But then he quickly became confused when the words finally processed in his pea sized brain. 

"Why me though?? There's many other agents that are much stronger than me that can do a better job at protecting (Y/N) than me." 

"You are the best agent in this headquarter. Not only that, your personality is very... benevolent." 

He just shrugged it off, not really minding it at all. "Well.. If that's what you want, then sure I'll do it." 

"You are allowed to wear some accessories that can distinguish you apart from the agents. And your name can be changed back to Zeke, to make it easier for (Y/N)." 

[A/N: if you hate non-canon characters, don't worry. just like in the old story he's just gonna be here for like a chapter or two for plot reasons and then you'll never see him again :)] 

That caught Zeke's attention. He always wanted to wear something other than what the dress code ever since he joined, and now he could. 

He bowed repeatedly out of gratefulness. "Thank you so much sir!" 

The Auditor just nodded and motioned for him to leave, and he happily did so. 

Unknown to you, you now have a new friend that you can hopefully get along with. 


i'm too lazy to proof read this, i'll try to proof read the next one if i can

815 words 
6/10/2022, 2:11 AM 

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