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[Edited 1/21/2022] 

[storyline was so awful that i just decided to rewrite most of it] 

"I want you to make sure that my child has nothing to do with that monster."

"Yes sir!"

You were drawing your dad again. I mean, not much to do in a room you're stuck in 24/7. You look to the right to see the piles of drawings of your dad, since he's the only one you pretty much see. Drawing the agents outside of your room would be useless too. They always die by the end of the week and get replacements. Rinse and repeat. 

There were only 2 rules you had to follow: 

1. Never leave the room. 

2. Scream if someone other than your dad or the agents come. 

You sighed from the boredom. You've been drawing your dad over and over for 5 months. 

Now you may be wondering, 'Who is my dad?'

It's the fucking Auditor. 

While the scientists were cloning grunts, you were made. Except, you were considered a "defect." Standard grunts were like adults and had grey skin with dark grey clothings with a number tag on them. They all look exactly the same. 

You were different. 

Of course, you still had the some same features as a standard grunt, like the grey skin with dark grey clothings, but you were small. More of a child than an adult. 

The scientists notified the Auditor of you. It was so painfully obvious that he was considering to kill you off. But thankfully, you were spared because you were the first to look this way, and because you were naturally smart and quiet. 

Exactly what he prefers. 

He took you in as his child, and occassionally had you help out with his work. You didn't mind, since this was better than being an average grunt. You've seen how they were treated. It was awful. 

Everyday, they had to do back laboring torture. They had to move heavy crates and polish weapons for hours. They weren't even considered people. They didn't have names; only called by numbers, they were constantly abused by the whole agency, they don't get much food, and they don't even get any respect for their work. Hell, even janitors were more respected than them. 

Originally, you were Grunt #7204750, but your dad didn't want you to "be in the same level as those filthy grunts", so he gave you a name. 


You and him just had a neutral relationship at first. You helped him out with some of his load of work, and he protected you. That's all your relationship was. 

However, over time, he started to feel more protective of you. It kept growing and growing, which caused him to become overprotective of you. When the news of Sanford and Deimos came out, he immediately had you stay in your room 24/7. 

Honestly, you didn't really mind at all. You were provided with everything you needed, and your dad still gave you some of his work to do. It was fine.

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