Chapter 3: haha dead agents go brrrrrr, oh yea and we're moving to another base

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[Edited: 1/21/2022] 

[Same reason as last two chapters] 

[A/N: At this point, my writing is just basically "RANDOM BULLSHIT GO"]

You woke up, again, in the same room. But this time, you found yourself tied to a chair rather than laying down on a bed. 

As if on cue, the door got slammed open. 

You turned your head towards the noise, and saw a very pissed off Hank, covered in a lot of blood. 

"We're leaving. Now." 

You glared at him and didn't move an inch. 

He just groaned and dragged you. 

While you were dragged, you noticed a lot, and I mean a lot of dead agents lying everywhere in the house. Every inch of the floor was covered in soaking red blood. 

You tried to count how many there were while also walking with Hank, but it was pretty hard, seeing how you had to walk quickly to catch up. 

Even outside, there were a bunch of agents. Dead ones.

You then see a truck with Deimos and Sanford inside. Strangely enough, 'Doc' wasn't there. You were confused, since you thought that 'Doc' always stayed with them. 

By the time you got inside the truck, you were able to count 169 dead agents, excluding a few hundred. 

Then without any warning, the truck just went like 1000 mph. But the other 3 didn't seem to mind, so you didn't complain. 

After a few minutes of awkward silence, you decided to speak up. "Why the FUCK did you kidnap me and why the HELL are we leaving. And WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DEAD AGENTS!?" 

Hank looked even more pissed off from your yelling. 

"First off, You're the fucking Auditor's child, you might have info. Second, your fucking dad found out about our base and sent a shit ton of his weak ass agents to it so we're moving. And third, WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M ALREADY PISSED OFF FROM THE AGENTS." 

You were about to jump out of the truck to run back, but Hank grabbed you and put you on his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You were beyond pissed. 

"I can tell you're about to jump out of the truck. I would like to not chase after you again."

You were about to say something back, but Deimos cut you off. 

"Besides, if you jump out, you would just die out there. I'm 100% sure you would be lost, and then die a few days later either from no food and water, or someone killing you." 

He muttered something at the end, but you couldn't hear what he said. You just shrugged it off, thinking that it wasn't important. 

After a few more minutes of driving, you all got to the base. It didn't look as clean as the last one did, but it was better than nothing. 

Hank finally let go of you and you tried to run away, only for Sanford to pick you up by the back of your shirt. 

"Nope. I'm not in any mood to search the whole hellhole of Nevada to get our source of information." 


Your screaming was put to an end from him covering your mouth with duct tape. And then finally, you all went to the new base. 

The interior wasn't bad. Wasn't the best, but it was decent. 

Everyone left to choose their rooms except Deimos and you. He grabbed your hand and started walking towards a random door. 

"Alright, this random door is your room I guess. I'm gonna go smoke some weed now." He left to do... whatever he said (Zeke didn't teach you about weed, cocaine, smoking, all that glorious stuff).

You were honestly tired from the car ride and your tantrum, so you left to go sleep in the bed that was in your room. 

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