Chapter 2

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A/N: Here's another update! Hope you guys enjoy it! :-)


   As soon as she went home, I did the same. We're only neighbors, so her house is nearby, obviously. Kanan , my guardian, and Hera, Sabine's guardian is pretty close so sometimes when we go to trips, Kanan and I go with them and sometimes, Zeb tags along with us, along with our droid Chopper.  Zeb raely shows up now, considering he is away for a while. I smile, thinking about the old days.

  I go upstairs to my room and did all my homework.  Math homework. I had do finish several problems. But this was torture, considering that we recently took Math exams. But then again, it was pretty easy.

  After doing all my homework, I decided to take some food in the kitchen. I went up my room again and stare outside my window. I see Sabine painting another design on her wall, as usual, but these days she was complaining about something called 'art block'. I didn't know about those stuff. I can't actually understand artists anyway.

    I just stare at Sabine, who was busy. I tried to get her attention. I wave at her, shouted even if I know that she wouldn't hear me, and nothing happened. She just paints. Hmm...I don't know why, but why do artists become serious when the paint or do something related to art? Then again, I cannot understand artists. I'm not an artist myself.

  Even if I'm not that interested in art, I just look at her for a while. Her expression when she paints something successful, and when something goes wrong. She's beautiful.

  She may be beautiful, and unlike the other girls, she'd boyish, but not completely. She's interested in many things, may not be sporty but artsy, doesn't care much how she acts, how she dresses and looks like. She's completely artistic, with her style changing constantly.

  Ever since I'd met her, I knew there was something special about her.

  The thing is, she's....different. But I knew she would never even have the slightest interest in me, even if we were best friends. But guess what? I fell for her, I mean, who wouldn't? She's beautiful, kind, and very talented. The question is, would she fall for me?



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