Just Forgive Me Please

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We rush out of Alcatraz. We push the briares with us. We shut the door keeping the Kampê out of the labyrinth.

"I should jump into the pit of Tartarus and save you all the trouble..." says Briares.

"Don't talk that way. You can come back to camp with us. Help us prepare. You know more about fighting than any titan. And your brothers! They stand as tall as the mountains. We can help you find them!" says Tyson.

"They are no more. They faded. I have nothing to offer. I have lost everything," says the Briares.

"Kronos's army will invade camp. We need help.... You are strong," says Tyson.

"Not anymore, cyclops," says Briares.

The Briares walks away and Tyson begins to sob.

"Tyson it's ok," says Grover.

"It's not okay. He was my hero," says Tyson.

"Let keep moving," I mumble, "we need a place to camp for the night."
We stop in a tunnel where Annabeth, grover, and Tyson promptly fall asleep. I sit up next to my brother.

"You should sleep to Perc," I say.

This was the first we'd talked one on one since he found out about Travis. We'd been avoiding this conversation for a while.

He just mumbles a little.

"Percy talk to me please," I plead.

"Phoebe, you didn't tell me for six months about your boyfriend. You didn't even seem to be planning to tell me until Travis pretty much made you," he says.

"I didn't know how. After a while it seemed so late and I was scared about ho you'd react," I say.

"I would have been fine if it hadn't been six whole months," says Percy.

"I'm sorry. It's been killing me not talking to you.  How many times do I have to say it I'm sorry," I plead.

"I don't want to talk about it," he says.

"Fine!" I say getting up.

I walk over next to Annabeth and lay down next to her sharing her backpack as a pillow.

Why can't he just forgive me. I feel horrible and I just need to him to understand. The mice I think about it the more it make sense he doesn't forgive but I at learn want him to understand why it took so long.

I roll a little before ultimate falling asleep.

Ok I wrote Azkaban instead of Alcatraz and I didn't catch it until I proof read and I was like something is off here. If you haven't read Harry potter you didn't understand that and also read Harry Fricking Potter. Thx for reading.

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