The Iris Message

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Seven days until the summer solstice.

"We're going to raise some cash. Wait for us behind that building. And stay out of sight," says Annabeth.

Me and my brother trudge behind the building and sit on the ground with our backs at the wall.

A voice from nowhere says: " you have a collection call from camp half blood. Do you choose to accept the charges."

"Um yes," my brother says.

"Please hold," it responds.

A pipe shoots out a burst of water with a rainbow each tent in it. I see what looks like Luke in the mist.

"Percy, Phoebe, sorry for the calling collection but I didn't know where you were. Just don't forget to pay the bill. Iris has been known to cut our people services," says Luke.

"What is this? Who's Iris?" I ask.

" The goddess of rainbows. She carries messages for us sometimes. Cell phones are too easy for monsters to track. So what's your progress? Word leaked out back here about the Zeus and Poseidon stand off, and it's shaping up to be the Trojan war all over again. The campers are already each other's throats," says Luke.

"Where in Denver," I say.

" The progress isn't too bad considering Chimeras and Furies and Annabeth oh my," says my brother.

"Are you wearing the flying shoes? I'll feel better if I know you putting them to good use," say Luke.

"Oh.. uh yah! They fit like a glove... er for my feet," say my brother.

He's literally the worst liar I have ever met.

" wish I could do more, you guys going to the underworld and all. I don't care what Kieron says, I just know Hadesis a thief. His helm of darkness lets him melt into the shadows, and you have to be invisible to swipe the master bolt from under Zeus's nose," says Luke.

I nod thinking that makes sense but something still felt off.

" anyways, I should get going. Sounds like some of the campers are fighting again. Hang tough you'll get there, I know you will. And tell Grover it'll be better this time," says Luke.

And with that the water goes away and Luke disappears.

" we are in luck. Go boy and I panhandled enough to get a cheeseburger and fries at the diner down the street," say annabeth turning the corner.

"Each?" My brother asks.

"Try total," says annabeth.

I'm just now realizing that I accidentally cut out auntie M's garden emporium. Please forgive me. there's a chance I'll write it in later. I'll probably end up cutting some other things out. Like maybe the mattress place. You know what happens it goes down the same way. Thanks for reading

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