Chapter 25

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"Lem Kaj, pleasure to meet you in person again."

"Frovlo, Kaj Pudoshik," Max said, bowing slightly to the king. "How are you?"

"I'm sure you can imagine the difficulties of flipping a regime on its head in the middle of a war," Inslaek said tiredly.

"Indeed I can. Kaj, these are my close advisors and bodyguards, Kernasala Abdulaga and James Melbourne."

"Inslaek Pudoshik," the new king said, shaking Kerny's hand. He moved to James then, his hand dropping. He moved elegantly and purposefully. James looked him up and down. His clothes weren't old and scuffed anymore but new and stiff, a sleek black. He was no longer dirty, no longer smelling of old booze and unwashed sweat. His gloves were clean and tight, and James knew without checking that his sword had been sharpened.

"Ah yes," Pudoshik said, looking the advisor up and down, alerting Kernasala. Max was calm, but James felt his heart pick up, already planning to kill the king. "The prince's pet who found me in my worst state on the outskirts of Nyonska. Melbourne, was it?"

James watched his face carefully. It didn't feel like a trap, but he remembered Gobana's reactions to his and Kerny's unprofessional responses - a Pudoshik would be even stricter.

"Ah, Kaj," he whispered, his eyes not leaving Inslaek's. The new king smirked for a second before dropping back into a corporate smile.

"What an honor to be the advisor for such a... resilient prince. From what I saw of you, you'd make quite the weapon in the right contexts." What was his game? His face was clear, but his words were clearly guiding - was he trying to buy him off of Max like Sukela? Was it a test to see if he could bite his tongue properly? Was he testing his fragility before the trial?

"Thank you, Kaj," he said quietly, his body language on a tight leash. No more tense than he'd been when they entered, professional and submissive tone. Strong eye contact but no squinting or twitching, legs spread and hands tucked behind his back. Inslaek turned back to Max.

"I hope you find comfort in the rooms I've set aside for you and your guests. Unsurprisingly, it took a good amount of work to turn unused space livable, let alone friendly and welcoming. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask the servants scattered about, they've been terribly bored lately. Apparently learning how to survive a melted forest next door isn't good grounds for having people wait on your every desire. Would you like an escort, or just the directions?"

"Escort please," Max answered before either of his advisors could give him a look. "Absolutely no offense aimed at you, Kaj Inslaek, but you can understand why perhaps some that work in the castle may not see eye-to-eye with me or my guests."

"Of course," Inslaek said with a bow. "I did my best to weed them, but I'm sure you can also understand how sometimes... the untrustworthy can slip through our interrogations."


"Of course. Right this way, lem Kaj."

He walked steadily down the hall, James feeling Max's heart relax a touch. He noticed a black ring around one of Pudoshik's pointer fingers. He didn't know the customs of other kingdoms when it came to rings, but he couldn't imagine it was from a proposal. Perhaps a ring to signify power? Perhaps a loyalty or organization ring? James shook his head lightly; it looked like a twitch.

The castle had patterned stone floors that were unpolished in the halls. Their boots made nice consistent clicks across it, a sound and rhythm James appreciated with just the four of them. It would sound like a symphony of horses should anyone charge the castle, which may have been purposeful. Inslaek led them slowly up a wide spiral staircase. He was elegant and purposed on solid flooring, but seemed to concentrate on stairs. James thought of the midnight talks they'd had with Coshalak. He wore a scar, but that was far from the worst damage; Pudoshik seemed nearly perfect physically, but the stairs gave it away. He was sleek and calculating because he survived the rough of Zerigoph, somehow landing himself back here just to fight the melted forests. James theorized a chipped joint or perhaps nerve damage.

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