Chapter 23

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"Kaj, thank fuck, papers are in, we have to prepare," Kernasala said breathlessly, dressed in his armor, weapons belt and all. "Where were you?"

"Kanashi," James answered. "We took the long way, I had to check on..."

Kernasala nodded with a tight mouth. Everyone knew Ka'Hushka was still gone.

"What did the paper say specifically?" Max asked, walking towards the stairs. James was dressed, but Max had been in scruffs all day. The only reason he was wearing shoes was because of broken wood covering the forest floor.

"It basically said 'get your ass over here, we start in a week'," Kernasala said sarcastically. James felt his heart picking up.

"Where's the trial being held?"

"How do you know it's a trial?"

"Relax, Kerny, I told him." Kerny frowned, crossing his arms. James fought back a smile. He loved to hate him.

"Pudoshik. Border of Kenwo specifically."

"Dead center of Zagrana," Max said. Kernasala nodded.

"I'm sorry, they expect us there in a week?" James asked. "It took like four days to reach Kansha!"

"Godel already pre-wrote a response asking for a "travel extension" if you want to use that. Kaj, we can't just wing this, we have to prepare."

"What's there to prepare?" Max asked, landing on the top floor. "We were attacked, my people were brutalized. That's it, plain and simple."

"Yeah, I'd say that too, but boytoy here apparently met Inslaek before he became ruler."


"So, James has now, under your command, been consorting with the enemy before the fall of your kingdom and eventual replacement of the powerhouse of the continent of that consorted enemy." Max stopped in front of the bed, hands frozen at the bottom of his shirt.

"Oh, that is bad," he whispered.

"What?" James asked, ducking into the room, "Why's that bad? I didn't put him in charge."

"No, but you knew he was a Pudoshik when you let him go, didn't you?"


"Which, according to our protocols, you should have arrested him."

"He wasn't dangerous! Not really..."

"But then my kingdom fell, oh my gods Kerny, you're right!" Max moaned in frustration, his palms meeting his eyes.

"Right? Right about what?" James asked.

Max yelled through a closed mouth before raising his head and taking a deep breath, hands finding his hips. His eyes looked exhausted.

"It looks like an inside job," he said finally.

"What, like I attacked Zerigoph?"

"Like you made it look like Zerigoph was attacked, or you ordered the attack, this is what I was warning you about earlier, fuck."

"And with that, Gran and Kenwo can pin everything on you, saying they were only working under your orders, and since it was an inside job, it's up to Max to fix everything and nobody else is at fault."

"Oh come on!" James yelled. "That's what I was saying earlier! "Just following orders" doesn't mean anything, your morals stop you from following orders sometimes!"

"Which I reminded you," Kerny said, his tone growing harsher, "isn't a thing here. That's your... Junovo or whatever the cuss it is," he said, waving his hand.

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